29 SEPTEMBER 1906, page 3

Happily, Britain Can Point To An Absolutely Clean Record In

regard to her treatment of Mohammedans, not only in India, but in Egypt and in every other part of the world where Englishmen have come in contact with Islam. We have never......

We Desire To Express ( Ur Agreement With A Weighty

and well-reasoned leading article in the Times of Wednesday dealing with the deputation representing the Mohammedan community throughout India which is to wait on the Viceroy on......

An Interesting Official Statement Is Made With Regard To The

finances of the Labour Party in Thursday's papers. Each of the twenty-nine M.P.'s qualified to receive benefits from the Parliamentary Fund is paid 2290 a. year, and this, with......

The Prime Minister, Continued Mr. Redmond, Bad Spoken Of...

proposals leading up to Home-rule. When produced, the Irish Party would consider them, and submit them to the judgment of the Irish people in a National Convention. He would......

Lord Leven And Melville, Whose Will Adds Another Million-...

estate (the exact figure is 21,300,000) to the list of Mr. Asquith's windfalls, has left one very interesting bequest. He leaves 240,000 to be used to repair the chapel at......

Last Sunday Mr. John Redmond, Addressing A Large Meeting At

Grange, County Limerick, declared that in a score • of instances the present Government had disregarded Irish public opinion and falsified promises given, thereby showing that......

Mr. Redmond's Frankness Is In Every Way Creditable To Him;

but the speech shows how absolute a difference there is • between what English Liberals and Irish Nationalists mean respectively by Home-rule, and how impossible it is to expect......

The Times Of Wednesday Prints At The Foot Of Its

-third article on the "MacDonnell Mystery" a letter from Colonel .Saunderson which demands that the uneasy feeling existing in many quarters in regard to the MacDonnell letters......
