Lord Leven and Melville, whose will adds another million- aire's
estate (the exact figure is 21,300,000) to the list of Mr. Asquith's windfalls, has left one very interesting bequest. He leaves 240,000 to be used to repair the chapel at Holyrood, which is now a ruin. The church was burnt, in the sixteenth century, but was repaired by Charles .II., and once more destroyed in 1688 by an anti-Roman mob. It was again repaired in the middle of the eighteenth century, but the roof fell in a few years later. One of Lord Leven's obfccts in providing the money for the repair of a monument so inti- mately connected with Scottish history is the provision of a chapel for the Order of the Thistle. Provided that the work of restoration is carefully carried out and in a conservative spirit, there can be no possible objection to the nation availing itself of Lord Leven's generosity.