29 SEPTEMBER 1906, Page 1


AS we go to press the Cuban crisis is still undecided. During the whole of the past week Mr. Taft has been busily engaged in negotiating with the Cuban Government on the one hand and the insurgents on the other, and in attempting to find a compromise acceptable to both parties. Up to Friday morning, however, his efforts have been without success. Meantime the harbour of Havana is full of United States warships, a certain number of Marines and bluejackets have already been landed to guard American property, and pre- parations are proceeding with all speed for occupying the island, if necessary, with forty thousand troops. We have given our reasons elsewhere for thinking that military occupation is now inevitable; but it is possible that some change in the situation may suddenly arise, and that after all the order to land will not be given by President Roosevelt. But even in that case we believe that armed intervention will only be postponed. The Cuban community has reached a condition, well known throughout Spanish South America, of which revolution is the only outcome, unless there is some external influence sufficiently strong to enforce peace. That being so, and the United States being determined not to allow bloodshed and riot, there is, as far as we can see, no alternative to a military occupation, followed in the long run by annexation.