Through South Africa with the British Association. By J. Stark
Browne. (James Speirs. 6s. net.)—Mr. Browne travelled from Cape Town up to the Victoria Falls and saw the cities—or what may pass as such—and learnt the thoughts of many men. He took part in civic receptions and in Zulu weddings, visited Chinese compounds, and went over battlefields of the late war, Cronje'a la.ager among them. All these things he describes pleasantly enough, and he does not overburden his readers with science. The one lecture which he reproduces in some detail is Sir William Crookes's discourse on diamonds. This the lecturer has himself revised, and it is the most interesting and instructive chapter in, the volume. We are sorry to see that Mr. Browne makes some disparaging remarks on missions and their work. He does not, of course, pretend to have formed an independent judgment, and ho. repeats common talk. The question is, what is this talk worth? The popular opinion on such a subject is pretty sure to be wrong. The example of Khama outweighs the shallow and prejudiced judgments of thousands who neither know nor care what true Christianity means.