2 JANUARY 1904, Page 2

A CTORS, an Academy for ... "Aerial Woodman's" Work, the America

and Russia ...

Animals, Japanese - the Cash Value of... ...

- the World's Riding ...

- which Play Games • . • • • • Arena, the Cult of the

Army, the New Constitution of the - the " New Model" - that We Need, the ...

Asia and Europe .., Assertion, the Power of ...

Athletics and Health ...

Audley End, the Appanage of ... Australia, the Situation in ...

Auxiliary Forces, the Esher Committee and the

BALFOTTR, Mr., at Manchester ... Balfour, Mr., and the Duke of Devonshire Balfour, Mr., his Fiscal Policy ... ... - - at the Albert Hall

- - and the Fiscal Policy ("When the Proper Time Comes ") Battles. the Spirit that Wins

Bible, Anglo-Saxons and the .........

Birds' Bedtime, the ... ...

Bishoprics. the Southwark and Birmingham ... Blocking Motions ... ••• Bradford Exhibition, the ... •.• British Sympathies in the Far East ... ••• Budget, the: What will Ho Do with it ? ...

- a Free-Trade •••

Business of the House of Commons, the •••

CABINET Crisis. the Story of the ... Canada and the Treaty-Making Power ... Cape Elections, the ... Caricature

Cash Value of Animals, the ...

" Cause C617hre," an Eighteenth-Century ... Chamberlain, Mr., and the City ... - - at the Guildhall - - his Plan of Campaign _ ••• - - his Speech at Birmingham... - - and the Fiscal Policy ("When the Proper Time Comes") ... - - and the Government... ...

Chamberlainites, the Triumph of the ... Chantrey Bequest, the ... Cheviots, the Heart of the... Children and their Books ...

Chinese Labour and the Empire ... Christ and the Old Testament Christianityaud Japan ... Churchmen and the London County Council Citizen Exiled, the ...

Classics in Education, the ... Cobden Centenary, the ... ••• Combes, M., and the Congregations ... Commons, House of, the Business of the


• • •

Congo State, the ...

Congregations, M. Combes and the •••


Conscription Proposals, the

Continent, the Surprise of the •-•


Cornwall. Holidays in ...

• • •

Corruption, Official ...

Cricket, the New Style of ... •••

• ••

Criminal as Man, the... ...

Cromer, Lord, his Report ••• DEER in English Parks

• ••

Defence, Imperial ... •-• •••

Devonshire, the Duke of, his Anthology

- - and Mr. Balfour ••• Disciyline in the Empire

••• •••

447 949 481 10 327 487 806 212 208 361 413 40 913 562 120 174 520 76 321 631 800 C33 405 82 211 835 724 5 592 628 911 402 7 233 765 :327 213 5 116 684 760 800 948 400 836 875 766 441 430 561. 952 324 286 874 912 404 911 283 282 404 870 769 839 482 837 526 593 835 210 248 321 524 688 mise on the 484 - English and American Views of ... 595 Elections, the Cape ... 283 Englands, the Two ... 563 Esher Committee, the, and the Auxiliary Forces 520 Europe and Asia 40 - the Peace of, and the Dual Monarchy 803 • EAR East, British Sympathies in the 5

Fashion, the Geography of 122

Fire and a London Crowd 690 Fishers in the Bay ... 527 Foreign Policy, Our : a Great Opportunity 320 - Situation, the ... 360 France and the Vatican .. .- 802 - Lord Rosebery on the Agreement with 948- Free-Trade and Home-Rule 40 - - Unionists, the Duty of ... 245 - - Ministry, a 440

GAMES, Animals which Play ... 806

German Emperor, the Position of the 629 German Emperor, the Speeches of the... 722 Germany in Africa _ 117 Globe-Trotting, Statesmanship by 42 Government, the Position of the, and Lord Londonderry's Speech 558 Great Britain and France, the Agreement 592 595

HARCOURT, Sir William ... 364 Heritage, a Goodly ... 249

High Altitudes, the Glamour of ... 45 Home-Rule and Free-Trade 40 - - and the Duty of Unionists ... 361 Houses by the Sea 954 Housing Question in Manchester, the ... 804 TRIPERDIL Defence ... ... 210 _L India, the New Education in ... 442 Ireland, Over-Representation of, the Govern- ment and the ... 556-720 - - the Liberal Party and the ... 910

JAPAR and Russia ... 78 ••• Japan, Mr. Herbert Spencer on .. 118

• ••

Japan, the Efficiency of ...

• • -

401 - and America

••• 481

- and Christianity 952

• • •

Japanese Animals _ 10 Jews at Limerick, the Boycott of 631


KEG. the, his Visit to Kiel ... 868 LHASA, the March to ... 761 Liberal Party, the, and the Over-Repre- sentation of Ireland ... ... 910

Liberal Unionism, the End of ... ... 76 Licensing Bill, the New ... ... 414-633-872 Lightning, the Effects of ... ... 123 Lodge in the Wilderness, a ... ... 80 Londonderry, Lord, his Speech and the Posi- tion of the Government ... ... 558

Lords, Retaliation in the ... 950

Lower Middle Class, the ... ... 764

MACEDONIA in the Lords ... Macedonic., Lord Percy on ... 522 Macedonian Problem, the ...

Mackinder, Mr., his Dream ... ... 174 Manchuria, the Military Situation in ... 801 Man-Power in Transport ... ... 1007

Mathilde, the Princess 42 " Meanness " in Giving

Members or Machines ?

Mental Listlessness ... 44 Metaphors, Mixed, in the House of Commons 807

Ministry, a Free-Trade ... ... 440 Municipal Election, A.D. 73, a ...

AVY, the Gate of the 111 New Forest in Spring, the ... New Year, the...

OTTER, in Defence of the

PAGEANTRY, the Place of, in National

Parliament, the Meeting of ... Pauperism, the Rising Tide of ,.. Peace of Europe, the Dual Monarchy and the - Speedy, the Chances of ... Physical Condition of the British Race, the ... - Education in Schools ...

Pins Poetry, is it Unpopular? Polish Question of To-day, the ... Portrait Gallery, an Imperial ...

Potteries, the Morals of the ...

Prayer, the Instinct of ... Princes, the Restraints of ... Protection and Bad Finance - Why We Oppose ...

T) ADIUM, the Meaning of .. ... ... 46 11 Reading in Church ... ... ... ... 632

Reconstruction, Imperial, the American Ex- periment in ... ... ... ... ... ... Reform, an Important Social ... ... ...

Renunciation ... ... ... ... ...

Retaliation in the Lords ... ... ... ...

Rhodes Scholar, the Definition of a ••• ••• Riding Animals, the World's ... ... ... Rivers, Reappearing... ... ... ... ...

Roosevelt, Mr.... ... ... ... ... ...

- President, and South America ... ... Rosebery, Lord, on the Agreement with Russia and Japan ...

- the Internal Condition of ...

- and America Russian Diplomacy ...

- Autocracy, the, and the War ...

ST. JOHN'S Epistle ... St. Peter, the Mind of ... Salisbury, Lord, his Political Writings...

Salmon, British, the Increase of... ... Schoolboy, the Religion of the ... Schoolli9ys' Packet-Money...

Scotland, the Ecclesiastical Position hi- Scrap-Book Minds ...

Session, the Coming... ...

Socialism, the Quarterly Review on ...

Social Reform, an Important ...

Somaliland Campaign, the...

South Africa, the " Yellow Peril" in Southwark and Birmingham Bishoprics, the... Speeches, Silly- Spencer, Mr. Herbert, ou Japan ... Statesmanship by Globe-Trotting Stephen, Sir Leslie ...

Stowaways, Animal ...

Surprise of the Coutiuent, the Sword of the Spirit, the ...

rrlHOUGHT, National, 1 Pageantry in Tibet, the Question of ...

- the Incident in ...

- the Situation in Time-Limit, the Justice of a Trade Disputes Bill, the ... Tramways v. Roads Transport, Man-Power in ... the ••• ••• •• • ••• ••• ••• Place of ... 81 ... 557 ... 871 ... 1004 ... 1007 914 363 691 4 598 81 208 7 803 863 175 686 522 250 209 485 43 1005 8 483 908 323 79 486 950 525 487 251 1000 833 948 78 832 909 949 559 1003 ••. 365 ••• 873 •• 121 ••• 214 ... 725 • .• 366 ••• 687 ••• 726 172 11;06 :.• 915 119 79 79 247 211 838 -• 118 40 325 • .• 367 ••• 760 ••• 805

Treasure-Hunters, the ... Treasures, Country-House...

UNEMPLOYED and the Vagrant, the Unionist Party, the Position of the Unionists, the Duty of, and Home-Rule -VATICAN, the and France ...

V Vatican, the Policy of the ... Volunteers, the Fate of the ... — the Government and the Vox Clemente I War, the Teachings of the ... War, the Progress of the ...

— the, and the Chances of Intervention — the Russian Autocracy and the ... " Ways" Wessex Farmer, the ... Windfalls ...

Woman Proposes - Woodcocks near the Nee ... Wordless Conversation ... Wright, Mr. Whitaker ... Writing on the Wall, the ...

YALU, the Battle on the ... 721 LL"Yellow Peril" in South Africa, the ... 247 " Yellow Peril," the True •-• 834


Africa (George Conine) At the Gate (H. H. Bashford) Black Cross Farm (To F. KJ (W. D. Howells) " Can these Bones Live ? " (G. Kendall) ...

Dulcimer, the (May Byron) ...

Gorse-Lands, the (W. Gilchrist Wilson) ... "He Goeth by Me, and I See Him not " (H.

In Memory (Frances Creswell Wall) ... June in Rhodesia (D. A. Bowen) ...

Lambing, the (W. W. Gibson) ... Lovers' Quarrel, the (trans. by X. E. Jersey) Mary Lamb in Literature (F. S. Hollings) ...

Old Superb,' the (H. Newbolt) Old Virgil, an (W. IL Saville) Return of the Magi, the (J. E. G. de Montmorency) Shakespeare and Bacon (W. W. Skeet)... ...

ShelleyTilliam Watson).,,,.,..... Song of"Surely He Bath Borne Our Griefs " (Chicago, December 30th, 1903) (H. Macnaghten)

To Lord Roberts (E. S. Tylee) To the Jungfrau (H. C. G. Houle) Torpedo, the (E. S. Tylee) Wander-Thirst (Gerald Gould) ... War and Peace (H. Macnaghten)... Water-Carriers, the an Afghan Ballad


Academy, the ... 696-730 International Society at the New Gallery, the 87 New Gallery, the ... ... 640 Old Masters at the Academy, the ... 50 Three-Colour Process, the... ... 921


American Musical Criticism ... 959 Dvorak, Antonin ... "Lied," the Cult of the ... Praise, the Art of ..

State-Subsidised Opera ... ... 183


AVEBURY, Rt. Hon. Lord—Free Trade .., 924 "IDENNETT, W. H., ed. by—The Century Bible : Genesis... ...

Bernard, J. H., and others—The Expositor's Greek Testament ...— 296 Besant, W.—Londou in the Time of the Stuarts 775 Beveridge, Hon. A. J.—The Russian Advance 258 Beyerlein, Franz Adam—Jena oder Sedan ? . 131 Bigelow, P.—History of the German Struggle 985 Birch, G. H,—London on Thares in Bygone 775 Blunt, Lady and W. S., trans., &c., by—The Seven Golden Odes of Pagan Arabia, known also as the Moallakat _ Boutmy, Emile—The English People: a Study of their Political Psychology Bewley. A. L.—National Progress in Wealth and Trade Bradby, G. F.—Broadland and other Poems ... Bradley, Henry—The Making of English ... Bright, J. Franck—A History of England ...

Brinkley. Captain F.—Japan and China ... Brownell, C. L.—The Heart of Japan .._ Buckland, F. T.—Curiosities of Natural

History — — — Burghclere. Laity Winifred—Geerge Villiers, Second Duke of Buckingham

CANTON, W.—History of the British and Foreign Bible Society ... Canton, W.—The Story of the Bible Society ... Carlyle, Alexander, ed. by—New Letters of Thomas Carlyle

••• • •- ••• • -• •• • ••• •••

177 407


280 361 ... 802 ... 951 ... 762 1002

... 281

... 521 ... 1003 ... 178 ... 173 ... 1000 183 334 87 16 772 844 921 534 493 959 1013 640 603 257 218 131 454 695 730 50 371 879 292 710 414 567 221 922 605 1015 962 567 733 536 374 457

MACDONAGH, M.—The Life of Daniel 259 Mallock, W. IL—The Fiscal Dispute Made

134 Mare, W. de la—Henry Brocken_ 536 Maurice, Major-Gen. J. F.—The Diary of Sir John Moore ... 607 Maxwell, Sir IL—British Fresh-Water Fishes 847 Mirza Mahomed, trans. by—The Story of Valeh 498 Myers, Ernest—Gathered Poems 371 NEWMAN, G.—Bacteriology of Milk 1017

OKEY. T.—Venice and its Story ... ... 90

Champney, Elizabeth W.—Romance of the Bourbon Chdtesax...

Chiozza-Money, L. G.—Elements of the Fiscal Problem ...

Chirol, V.—The Middle Eastern Question ... Colville, J., ed. by—Letters of John Cockburn of Orraistoun to his Gardener, 1727-1744 — Mrs. A., compiled and arranged by— Duchess Sarah : being the Social History of the Times of Sarah Jennings Corbett, J. 8.—England in the Mediterranean Cornish, C. J.—Sir William Henry Flower, — F. W., trans. by—The Poems of Catullus Cox, H., ed. by—British Industries under Free Trade : Essays by Experts ...

DALE, T. F.—Fox-hunting in the Shires ... Davies, R.—Chelsea Old Church Davie, A.—The Native Problem in South Africa Dickson, W. K., ed. by—The Surrender of

Dobell, Eva—Songs and Sonnets... ... 1015 Bowden, Edward—Robert Browning ... 774 Driver, S. R., Intro, and Notes by—The Book Drummond, J.—An Inquiry into the Character and Authorship of the Fourth Gospel ... 296 Dueler's, Madame Mary—The Fields of France 964 — — The Return to Nature ... 1015 Dutt, R.—India in the Victorian Age _ 643

FABLE, Mrs. A. M.—Two Centuries of Cos- tame in America ... 336 Ellesmere, Francis, First Earl of—Personal Reminiscences of the Duke of Wellington... 17

TjlAIIIE, J. J.—Galileo : his Life and Work... 155 1 Findlater, Jane H.—Stones from a Glass Foster, Will—Poems— 569 Fountain, P.—The Great North-West and the Great Lake Region of North America ... 845 Freshfleld, D. W.—Round Kaugchenjunga : Narrative of Mountain Travel and Explore-

GARNETT, B.—English Literature : an Illustrated Record ... ... 90 Geikie, C.—The Holy Land and the Bible ... 670 Gerard, Lient.-Gen, Sir M. G.—Leaves from the Diaries of a Soldier and Sportsman,

Giffen, Sir R.—Economic Inquiries and Studies 605 Gleig, the late G. B.—Personal Remiuise.ences of the Duke of Wellington ... 840 Gore-Booth, Eva—The One and the Many ... 1015 Gorse, E.—English Literature an Illustrated 964 134 51 812 454 455 963 642 134 295 775 91




293 570


156 20 881 Gordon, C.—Old Time Aldwych, Kingsway, and Neighbourhood ... 775 — Gen. J. B.—Beminiseences of the Civil War 667 Gregory, Lady, arranged and put into English by—Gods and Fighting Men 416 Grenfell, B. P.—The New Sayings of Jesus from Oxyrhynchns 1014 Griffith-Jones, E., and others—The Sermon on 070 Gwynn, Stephen—Fishing Holidays 645

IIAKLUYT, R.—The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation ...

Haldane, R. B.—The Pathway to Reality _ Hamilton, A.—Korea ...

Hardy, T.—The Dynasts : a Drama of the Napoleonic Wars Harrison, Jane E.—Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion Hartshorne, Anna C.—Japan and her People.., Hedin, Sven—Central Asia and Tibet ... Helps, Mrs. Edmund. ed. by—Recollections

of a Royal Academician (J. C. Horsley) ... Hughes, C. E., compiled by—The Praise of

Shakespeare : an English Anthology... Hunt, A. S.—The New Sayings of Jesus from Oxyrhynchus ... 1014 TEKYLL, Gertrude—Old West Surrey : e.1 Some Notes and Memories ... 882 Johnston, Sir H.—British Mammals, Living

— — The Nile Oiliest-.... 91 Joseph, Rev. X—Judaism as Creed and Life 260 Joyce, P. W.—A Social History of Ancient 298 1prIBABTON, R.—Wild Nature's Ways ... 374 I% Kidd, D.—The Essential Kafir ... 776 Knight, E. F.—South Africa after the War ... 91 LEE-WARNER, Sir W.—The Life of the

Marquis of Dalhousie, K.T. ... 879 Lodge, R. B.—Pictures of Bird Life 374 Lucas, E. V.—Highways and Byways in Sussex 496 PATERSON, A. B.—Rio Grande's Last Race, and other Verses ... 569 414 Paul, IC—A History of Modern England ... 218 414 Pears, E.—The Destruction of the Greek Empire and the Story of the Capture of 814 Constantinople by the Turks ..— 734 Peel, Hon. S.—The Binding of the Nile and the New Soudan

Pennall-Elmhirte Captain E.—The Beat of the Fun, 1891Phillpotts, Eden—My Devon Year ... Pitcher, Colonel T. D.—Some Lessons from

the Boer War, 1899-1902 ... Plowden, A. C.—Grain and Chaff : the Auto- biography of a Police Magistrate ... Plummer, A., ed. by—Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges Plunkett, Sir H.—Ireland in the New Century Prothero, R. E.—The Psalms in Human Life... 497 415 AIT, R. S.—The Life and Campaigns of Hugh, First Viscount Gough Ramsay, G. G., trans. by—The Annals of

Tacitus, Books ... Rice, C. Spring, trans. by—The Story of Valeh Riis, Jacob 'A.—Children of the Tenements ... Rittner, G. H.—Impressions of Japan ... Robinson, J. A., revised, Arc., by—St. Paul's

Epistle to the Ephesians... — Rogers, B. B., trans.. Arc., by—The Thesmo- phoriazusae of Aristophenes Ross, Captain C.—Representative Government *

Rumbold, Sir H.—Farther Recollections of a R697 SANDERS, Lloyd, ed. by—Selections from

the Anti-Jacobin ... Sandy's, J. E.—A History of Classical Scholar- ship from the Sixth Century B.C. to the End of the Middle Agee Seherreu, IL—Popular Natural History of the Lower Animals (Invertebrates)

Schierbranil, Wolf von—Gernauy : the Weld- ing of a World-Power

Scott, Lady John—Songs and Verses ...

W. 12.—Free Trade in Relation to the Future of Britain and the Colonies ... Seaton, R. C.—Napoleon's Captivity iu Relation to Sir Hudson Lowe Selby, T. G., and others—The Miracles of Jesus — — The Parables of Jesus ...

Shaw, L. H. Do Vi/11310, and others—Snipe and Woodcock ...

Sheplicard-Welwyn, H. W.—Nature's Riddles Sichel, W.—Disraeli: a Study in Personality Smith, F. E., ed. by—Toryism : Illustrated by Extracts from Representative Speeches and Writings

Spence, If. D. M., and others—The Life and Work of the Redeemer

Spencer, H.—An Autobiography... ... Stephen, Leslie — English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century Stevenson, J. — Pat M'Carty, Farmer of Antrim : his Rhymes ...

Swithinbauk, H.—Bacteriology of Milk ...

TAkLENTYRE, S. G.—The Life of Voltaire ylor, Ida A.—The Life of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, 1763-1798

Thomson, Colonel A.—Eighty Years' Remi- niecencea Thorburn, S. S.—The Punjab in Peace and War Townsheud, Dorothea—The Life and Letters of the Great Earl of Cork ...

Toyubee, Mrs. Paget, arranged and ed. by— The Letters of Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford Trotter, Captain L. J.—The Bayard of India : a Life of General Sir James Outram, — Mrs. A. F.—Old Cape Colony : a Chronicle of her Men and Houses

Twain, Mark—Extracts from Adam's Diary ... UNDERHILL, G. F.—The Master of the TANDAM, A. D.—Men and Manners of the

V Third Republic ...

-WALLACE, A. B.—Man's Place in the Universe Walpole, Sir S.—The History of Twenty-five Years (1856-1881) Walpole-Bond, J. A.—Bird *Life in Wild Wales Ward, A. W.—The Electrum Sophia and the Hanoverian Succession Waters, Colonel W. H. H., trans. by—The German Official Account of the South

African War ...* _

— W. G., trans. and ed. by—The Journal of Montaigne's Travels iu Italy

Watson, A. E. T., ed. by—English Sport ... — W. P.—Japan Aspects and Destinies White, S. E.—The Forest ._ Willcocks, Brigadier-General Sir J.—From Kabul to Kumassi Williams, T. 11.—Addresses to Boys, Girls, and Young People Willson, B.—Ledger and Sword Wright, T.—The Life of Edward FitzGemld...

— — arranird &c., by—The Correspondence of


A CADEMICIAN, Recollections of a Royal 11. it C. Horsley)—Ed. by Mrs. Edmund

Adam's Diary, Extracts from—Mark Twain ... Addresses to Boys, Girls, and Young People- -T, B, Williams Aldwych, Kingsway, and Neighbourhood, Old Anti-Jacobin, Selections from the, together with Some Later Poems by George Canning —Ed. by Lloyd Sanders Aristophnues, the Thesmophoriazusae of— Trans., &c., by B. B. Rogers ..

Asia, Central, and Tibet—Sven Hedin Autobiography, an-11. Spencer ... 093 295 157 133


2.1111 534 335 496 924 536


535 372 220 604 53 374 18 846 134 186 670 670 295 GOS


810 669 966 1017 132 89


1014 923 184 983 91 925 295 698 54 567 374 55 494 373 295 536 257 219 670


777 20 925 670 775 604 535 156 810

Best of the Fun, the, 1891-1897--Captain E.

Pennell-Elmhirst _ Bible Society, British and Foreign, History of

the —W. Canton.. ... ... 414 — — the Story of the—W. Canton _. 414 Bird Life in Wild Wales—J. A. Walpole-Bond 374 — — Pictures of—R. B. Lodge ... 374 Boer War, 1899-1902, Some Lessons from the— Colonel T. D. Filcher ._ 133 Bourbon Chiteaux, Romance of the—Elizabeth W. Champney

Broadland and other Poems—G. F. Bradby 1015 Brocken, Henry: his Travels and Adventures in Rich, Strange, Scarce Imaginable Regions of Romance—W. J. de la Mare 536 Browning, Robert—Edward Dowden 774 983 295 964

CAMBRIDGE Bible for Schools and Colleges —Ed. by A. Plummer ... Cape Colony, Old : a Chronicle of her Men and Houses—Mrs. A. F. Trotter ...

Carlyle, Thomas, New Letters of—Ed. by Alexander Carlyle ...

Catullus, the Poems of—Trans. by F. W.


Century Bible, the : Genesis—Ed. by W. H. Bennett

Chelsea Old Church—R. Davies Civil War, Reminiscences of the—Seneral J. B.


Cockburn, John, of armistoun, the Letters of, to his Gardener, 1727-1744—Ed. by J. Colville Cork, the Great Earl of, the Life and Letters of—Dorothea Townshend _ Costume in America, Two Centuries of—Mrs.

Cowper, William, tie Correspondence of— Arranged, &c., by T. Wright ...

FISCAL Dispute Made Easy, the—W. H. Mallock Fiscal Problem, Elements of the—D. G. Claiozza-

296 91 814 642 296 775 667 812 923 336 777

DALHOUSIE, the Marquis of, K.T., the Life

of—Sir W. Lee-Warner. . 979

Devon Year, My—Eden Phillpotts ... 157

DiAlomatist, Further Recollections of a—Sir

Disraeli : a Study in d'ersoitality and Ideas— W. Sichel

Vision, the, and other


millan (pub.)... — Dynasts, the : a Drama of the Napoleonic ECONOMIC Inquiries and Studies—Sir B.

Electress Sophia, the, and th' the Halioverian Suc-

cession—A. W. Ward _ _ 55 Elizabeth in Hagen, the Adventures of—Mac- millan (pub.)... ... _ ... 417 England, a History of—J. Franck Bright ... 567 — in the Mediterranean—J. S. Corbett... ... 455

— Modern, a History of—H. Paul .. 218 English Literature : an Illustrated Record—

B. Garnett and E. Gosse 90 — the Making of—Henry Bradley — _. 962 Epheslans, St. Paul's Epistle to the—Revised,

&c., by J. A. Robinson ..., _. 296 Expositor's Greek Testament—J. H. Bernard,

290 220 603 732 293 605 _ 134 Fishes, British Fresh-Water—Sir H. Maxwell 847 Fishing Holidays—Stephen Gwynn ._ -. 645 FitzGerald, Edward, a New Life of—T. Wright 697 Fitzgerald. Lord Edward, 1763-1798. the Life of —Ida A. Taylor Flower, Sir William Henry, LC.B., 'F.E.S., LL.D., D.C.L.—C. J. Cornish ... ... 963 Forest, the—S. E. White _ _ ... 257 Fourth Gospel, an Inquiry into the Character and Authorship of the—J. Drummond ... 296 Fox-hunting in the Shires—T. F. Dale... ... 295 France, the Fields of—Madame Mary Duclaux 964 Free Trade, British Industries under : Essays by Experts—Ed. by H. Cox .- 134 — — in Relation to the Future of Britain and the Colonies—W. R. Scott ... — — Bt. Hon. Lord Avebnry

GALILE0 : his Life and Work—J. J. Fable 155 Genesis, the Book of—Intro. and Notes by S. R. Driver — _ 296 German Struggle for Liberty, History of the —P. Bigelow— . . ... 985 Germany : the Welding of a World-Power-

Wolf von Schierbrand 18 Gods and Fighting Men—Arranged and put into English by Lady Gregory .- _ ._ 416 Gough, Hugh, First Viscount, the Life and Campaigns of—B. S. Bait 497 Grain and Chaff: the Autobiography of a Police Magistrate—A. C. Plowden 337 Great North-West and the Great Lake Region of North America, the—P. Fountain... ... 845 Greek Empire, the Destruction of the, and the Story of the Capture of Constantinople by the Turks—E. Pears 734 — Religion, Prolegomena to the Study of— Jane E Harrison

HISTORY of Twenty-five Years (1856-1981), the—Sir S. Walpole ... Holy Land and the Bible, the—C. Geikie INDIA in the Victorian Age—R. Dutt 643 Ireland, Ancient, a Social History of- 338 Ireland in the New Century—Sir H. Plunkett 534 JAPAN and China—Captain F. Brinkley ... 733 Japan and her People —Anna C. Hartshorne 536 Japan : Aspects and Destinies—W. P. Watson 536

— Impressions of—G. H. Eittner ... 536 — the Heart of—C. L. Brownell ... ... 536 Jena oder Sedan P—Franz Adam Beyerlein ... 131 Jesus, the New Sayings of, from Oryrhynchus —B. P. °mitten and A. S. Hunt ... ... 1014 Judaism as Creed and Life—Rev. X. Joseph 260 567


134 924 Kafir, the Essential—D. Kidd ... ... 776 Kangchenjunga, Bound: a Narrative of Moun- tain Travel and Exploration—D. W. Fresh- Korea—A. Hamilton ...

LABOUR and other Questions in South

Africa—Unwin (pub.)... ... ... 91 Ledger and Sword—B. Willson ... ... 294 Literature and Society, English, in the Eighteenth Century: Ford Lectures, 1903—

M'CARTY, Pat, Farmer of Antrim : his Rhymes—J. Stevenson 986 MAGAZINES, the ... 56-222-375-419-571-735-884 Mammals, British, Living and Extinct—Sir

Man's Place in the Universe—A. R. Wallace ... 54 Master of the Hounds, the—G. F. Underhill ... 295 Middle Eastern Question, the—V. Chiral ... 51 Milk, Bacteriology of—H. Swithinbank and G.

Miracles of Jesus, the—T. G. Selby and others 670 Montaigne's Travels in Italy, the Journal of—

Trans. and ed. by W. G. Waters ... ... 373 Moore, Sir John, the Diary of—Ed. by Major- General J. F. Maurice ... 607 961 Native Problem in South Africa,ibe -H. Davis 91 Natural History, Curiosities of—F. T. Bucklund 374 — — of the Lower Animals (Invertebrates), Popular—H. Scherren ... 374 Nature, the Return to—Madame Duclaux — 1015 Nature's Riddles; or, The Battle of the Beasts —H. W. Shepheard-Walwyn ... 374 Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Dis- coveries of the English Nation, the Principal

—B. Hakluyt _ 568 Nile and the New Soudan, the Binding of the— Hon. S. Peel698 — Quest, the : a Record of the Exploration of

the Nile and its Basin—Sir H. Johnston 91 Novels, Stories, Tales, &c. :—

— Admirable Tinker, the—Edgar Jepson ... 927

848 — Algernon Casterton—J. A. C. Sykes... ... 188 — American Prisoner, the—Eden Phillpotts... 188 — Baronet in Corduroy, the—Albert Lee ... 189 — Bayswater Miracle, the—Frank Richardson 136 — Belchamber—H. 0. Sturgis 779 — Between the Acts—H. W. Nevinson... ... 699 — Black Familiars, the—L. B. Walford ... 93 — Blue Dryad, the—G. H. Powell ... ... 701 — Borlase and Son—T. Baron Russell ... 189 — Bed, the, Some Horses, and a Girl—Dorothea 20 258 669 London in t e Time of the Stuarts—W. Besant 775 — on Thames in Bygone Days—G. H. Birch ... 775 Lowe, Sir Hudson, Napoleon's Captivity in Relation to—R. C. Seaton ... 186

NAPOLEON'S Captivity in Relation to Sir Hudson Lowe—B. C. Seaton.. -. 186 Napoleon, the Surrender of—Ed. by W. K.

58 887 — Interloper, the—Violet Sacob 418 — Iron Hand, the—J. M. Cobban......126 — Island Pharisees, the—John Galsworthy 608 — Jarwick the Prodigal—Tom ... 419 — Jewel—Clara L. Burnham ._ ... 378 — Jewel of Seven Stars, the—B. Stoker ... 298 — Key of Paradise, the—S. Pickering ... — Kitty Costello—Mrs. Alexander ...

— Ladder of Tears, a—G. Colmore 700 — Laura's Legacy—Mrs. E. H. Strain... ... 261 — Letters from a Son to his Self-Made Father

—C. E. Merriman 849

— Letters Home—W. D. Howell;......136

— Letters which Never Beached Him—E.

Nash (pub.) 965 — Love's Proxy—R. Begot ... 779 — Love the Fiddler—Lloyd Osbourne... ... 225 — Lux Crucis—S. S. Gardenhire... 538 — Lyohgate Hall—M. E. Francis — 888 — Magdalen's Husband, a—Vincent Brown ... 297 — Magnetic North, the—Elizabeth Robins ... 458 — Magnus Sinclair—H. Peace— _ 926

— Man from Downing Street, the—Wm. Le Queux378

— Man in the Wood, the—Mary S. Boyd ... 779 261


— Brazen Calf, the—J. L. Ford ... 134 — Brothers—H. A. Vachell — Bush Honeymoon, a—L. M. Palmer-Archer — Captain's Daughter, the—Gwendolen Over- ton ... — Cardinal's Pawn, the—K. L. Montgomery...

— Celebrity at Home, the—Violet Hunt — Change of Face, a—T. Cobb ... — Countess Ida—F. Whishaw — David March—J. S. Fletcher ...

— Deal in Wheat, a, and other Stories—Frank — Deals—Barry Pain ...

— Deliverance, the—Ellen Glasgow ... — Descent of Man, the—Edith Wharton ...

— Despoilers, the—E. Mitchell ... — Devastation—Mrs. C. Kernahan — Disappearance of Dick, the—W. B. Harris

— Dwala—George Calderon

— Fabulous Fancies—W. B. Maxwell ...

— Faith of Men, the—Jack London ...

— Filigree Ball, the—Anna K. Green -.

— For the White Rose—Wymond Carey — Fort Amity—A. T. Quiller-Couch — Four Bed Roses—Sarah Tytler — Free, not Bound—Katrina Trash ...

— French Wife, the—Katharine Tynan ... — Garmiscath—J. Storer Cloustou — Gods are Just, the—Miss B. H. Barmby — Grau'ina's Jane—Mary E. Mann ... — Green Mansions—W.H. Hudson ...

— His Eminence—Lady Helen Forbes... ... — His Majesty's Peacock—W. A. Mackenzie... — Imperialist, the—Sara J. Duncan _ — Incomparable Bellairs—Agnes and Egerton 298 815 419 816 377 646 378 538 459 188 816 539 965 460 701 738 608 226 1019 49) 92 1018 262 298 409 1018 261 22 339 419 1019 647

• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • - •

— Maureen—E. McNulty ... — Miss Caroline—Theo LIonglas...

— Mistress of Bonaventure, the—H. Bindloss — Money God, the—J. P. Blake... ... — Motor Pirate, the—G. S. Paternoster ... — My French Friends—C. Elizabeth Maud ... — My Friend Prospero—H. Harland ... — My Poor Relations—Maarten Maartens — Myra of the Pines—H. K. Viele — Napoleon of Notting Hill, the—G. K.

— Nature's Comedian—W. E. Norris ...

— Olive Latham—E. L. Voynich...

— One of My Sons—A. K. Green ... — Orangery, the : a Comedy of Tears—Mabel — Original Woman, the—F. Moore — Pa Gladden—E. C. Waltz _ — Phcebe in Fetters—Mrs. Baillie Reynolds... — Poet and his Guardian Angel, the—Sarah Tytler — Pompa of Satan, the—E. Saltus — Prince of Lisnover, the—Grace Rhys — Bed Leaguers the—S. F. Bullock ... — Red Morn—Max Pemberton ... — Rise of Ruderick Clowd, the—Josiah Flynt — Romance—J. Conrad and F. M. Hustler ... — Boom Five—H. Drummond ...

— Royal Quaker, the—Mrs. B. Tanqueray — Rulers of Kings—Gertrude Atherton ...

— SCIllyaSi, the—Mrs. F. E. Penny ...

— Sea Could Tell, the—Mrs. C. N. Williamson — Sir Mortimer—Mary Johnston — Souls in Bondage—P. Gibbon ...

— Splendid Impostor, a—Fred Whishaw — Stella Fregelias-11. Rider Haggard... ... — Stromboli—Francis Gribble — Strong Mac—S. R. Crockett — Stronger Claim, the—Alice Perrin ...

— Taskmaster, the—A. Conrlander — Through Sorrow's Gate—Halliwell Sutcliffe — Tomaso's Fortune, and other Stories—H. S. 849 — Tommy Wideawake—H. H. Bashford ... 59 — Tomorrow's Tangle—Geraldine Bonner .. 340 — Town's Verdict, the—Ethel F. Heddle ... 887 — Trackless Way, the—E. Bentoul Esler ... 93 — Tragedy of the Great Emerald, the—W. 738 — Triumph of Mrs. St. George, the—P. White 499 — Two Sides of the Face—A. T. Quiller-Couch 93 — Tychiades—A. Dickeson 22 — Unto Each Man His Own—S. Gordon ... 701 — Uriah the Hittite—D. Wyllarde 608 298 — Vineyard, the—John Oliver Hobbes-. ... 537 — Way of His Own, a—Drane (pub.) ... ... 59

— Ways of a Millionaire, the—Oswald Craw- ford

— What We Dream—F. Harrod ... ... 779 — Woman of Sentiment, a—Annie Linden ... 816 — Woman with the Fan, the—B. Hichens ... 538 — Yarborough, the Premier—A. R. Weekes ... 574 — Young Gerande, the—E. White ... ... 59 'CONNELL, Daniel, the Life of—M. Mac- One and the Many, the—Eva Gore-Booth ... 1015

PAGAN Arabia, the Seven Golden Odes of, 1 Known also as the Moallakat—Trans., &c., by Lady and W. S. Blunt ... ... 221

Parables of Jesus, the—T. G. Selby and others 670 People, the English :, a Study of their Political

Psychology—Emile Boutmy 922

Poems—Will Foster_ 569 — Gathered—Ernest Myers ... 371 Psalms in Human Life, the—B. E. Prothero... 335 Punjab in Peace and War, the—S. S. Thorburn 1014

REALITY, the Pathway to Stage the Second—Lecture by R. B. Haldane ... Redeemer, the Life and Work of the—H. D. M.

Spence, and others... _. _ _ Reminiscences, Eighty Years'—Colonel A.

Rio Grande's Last B;ce—e. B. Paterson Russian Advance, the—Hon. A. J. Beveridge...

SARAH, Duchess : being the Social History of the Times of Sarah Jennings—Compiled and arranged by Mrs. A. Colville _ — 4.54 Scholarship, Classical, a History of, from tie

Sixth Century B.C. to the End of the Middle Ages—J. E. Sandys Sermon on the Mount, the—E. Griffith-Jones, and others -. _ _ _ Shakespeare, the Praise of, an English Anthology—Compiled by C. E. Hughes 881 Snipe and Woodcock—L. H. De Vistne Shaw, and others -. —— 295 Soldier and Iportsman, Leaves from the Diaries of a—Lieutenant-General Sir Mon- tagu Gilbert Gerard -. 813

Songs and Sonnets—Eva Dobell 1015

— and Verses—Lady John Scott... 846 — New—A. H. Millen (pub.) _. _ „, 232

South Africa after the War—. E. P. Knight 4.914 South African War, the German Official

Account of the—Trans. by Colonel W. H. H. Waters ... .

Sport, English—Ed. by A. E. T. Watson ... 295 Stones from a Glass House—Jane H. Findlater 644 Surrey, Old West: Some Notes and Memories —Gertrude Jekyll 882 Sussex, Highways and Byways in—E. V. Lucas 496

MACITUS: the Annals of: Books I.-VL-

1 Trans. by G. G. Ramsay _ 41.5 Tariff Question, Handbook to thaLFrz; Trade Union (pub.) Taylor, Jeremy—Edmund Geese_ _ Tenements, Children of the—Jacob A. MIR ... Third Republic, Men and Manners of the—

A. D. Vandam _ „, Toryism : Illustrated by Extracts from Repre- sentative Speeches and Writings—Ed. by 341 779 499 136 340 22 887 459 22 574 573 816 965 816 815 647 701 298 779 298 574 498 298 419 21 460 340 779 778 738 927 737 59 378 262 574 189 459 262 731 670 456 569


53 670 134 8:t3 984 698 187 Voltaire, the Life of—S. G. Tallentyre 132

NIVALPOLE, Horace, Fourth Earl of Orford, the Letters of—Arranged and Ed. by Mrs. Paget Toynbee - 184 War, Representative Government and—Copt. C. Ross— . 372 Wealth and Trade, National Progress in—A. L. Rowley605

Wellington, Doke of, Personal Reminiscences of the—Francis, the First Earl of Ellesmere — — -. 17 — — Personal Reminiscences of the—G. R.


A. BRAS EFFENDI, Life and Teachings of —M. H Phelps 263

Actor's Life, Fifty Years of an—J. Coleman ... 967 Adams, William : an Old English Potter—Ed. 609 Africa, South, a History—H. A. Bryden ... 701 Agamemnon of Aeschylus, the—Trans. by Edward Thring 850 Airships, My—A. Santos-Dumont 702 Kempis's (Thomas) Prayers and Meditations on the Life of Christ—Trans. by W. Duthoit 162 Angler's Autobiography, an—F. X. Halford ... 675 Animals that Have Owned Us—W. H. Pollock 264 — the Natural History of—J. B. A. Davis 162-540 ANNUALS, YEAH-BOOKS, &e., 60.95.138-190.284- 301341.575-648.890-929 Antiquary, the—Elliot Stock (pub.) _ Antwerp: an Historical Sketch—W. C. Robinson _ Architects, as to the Making of—X. Adams ... Architecture, English—T. D. Atkinson ...

Argolis, in—George Horton _ Arnold. Matthew—G. W. E. Russell ART-BOOKS ... ... 158459-671-672-816 Art in the Nineteenth Century—C. Waldetein 420 Astronomer, Reminiscences of an—Simon 166 677 816 816 849 Beecher, Ward—Lyman Abbott... ... 227 BIBLE, Editions of the ... 300-499-817-966 Bible. How to Bead the—J. Urquhart ._ ... 540 — the, from the Standpoint of the Higher Criticism the Old Testament—B. Balm-

Bibles, Printed, Historical Catalogue of—T. H. Darlow and H. F. Motile._ Binney, Horace, the Life of—C. C. Binney Book Monthly, the—Simpkin (pub.) ... "Break I" How the Navy Prepares for War-

" Tre-Pol-Pen" _ Bridgman, Laura—Maude Howe and Florence Howe Hall ._ Bronze Age, a Guide to the Antiquities of the — British Museum (pub.)

Brown, Spencer Kellogg—G. G. Smith ... Browning, Robert—James Douglas ... Buddha—Herman Oldenburg Bulgaria, the Campaign in, 1877-1878—r, V.

Greene Burns, Robert, ibe Life of T. F. Henderson... Butler, Bishop: an Appreciation—Alexander Buy giiih AXes—C. F. Dowsia 93-812 Byron, Lord, the Works of: Poetry, VOL VII.

—Murray (pub.) ... 647 CAESARIUS, Bishop of Arles—A. Cooper- Marsden audits Story—C. W. Eiubbe _. 379 Canada, Through, in Harvest Time — J.

Canadian Rockies, Climbs and Exploration in the—H. E. M. Stutfield and J. Norman Collie 164 Carter, Thomas Thelltusion, Life and Letters of —Ed. by W. H. Hutchings ,_ „, 226 Chafing Dish, the Cult of the—F. Schloemer .- 967 Chantrey Bequest, the Administration of the —D. S. MacColl _ 816 Chase, Philander, First Bishop of Ohio and

Illinois, Life of —Laura C. Smith. 138 Chelsea, from My Window in—Ella 'Puller

Maitland ... ... 59 China, English, Chats on—Arthur Hayden ... 609 China, the Back Blocks of—H. L. Jack ... 341 Chopin—J. Cuthbert Haddon ... 420 Christianity, Jewish Forerunners of—A.

Dansiger . 991 Christian Socialism England—A. V. Wood-

Christi, ferba: the 'fiayings of lams ehrist-

Dent (pub.) ..._ . 209 Chronicle of Mores, the—Ed. by John Schmitt 500 Church, the, and the Ministry in the Early

Centuries—T. M. Lindsay 164 Cicero, Marcus Tullius : Ten Orations—Ed. by R. A. von Minckwitz — 23 Climatology, Handbook of—Julius Halm ... 165 844 Wild Nature's Kearton 374 190 990 816 781 299 779 702

Newcomb 161

Attic Drama, Studies from—E. G. Harman ... 781 Austro-Hungarian Life in Town and Country 22 Autographs, Among my—G. R. Sims......990 Avril: Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance—Hilaire Bence 1020

BACONIAN Mint, the—William Willis ... Banking House, the History of a—H. T. Easton...

Beaconsfield—Walter Sichel Beauclerk, Lady Diana: her Life and Work— Mrs. Steuart Erskine ...

Beaumont and Fletcher, the Works of, Vol. L 540 300 674 648 461 420 461 264 60 576 299 190 Compensation, the Law and Practice of—E. Boyle and T. Waghorn Congregationalists, the—L. W. Bacon ... Corn-Law Rhymes, and other Versee—Ebenezer Country Gentleman's Estate-Book, the—Ed. by W. Broomhall Country Life, 1903—Newnes (pub.) ...

— Emden—H. B. M. Buchanan and R. R. C. Ggo Cowboyre, thery

Log of a—Andy Adams ... Cowen, Joseph—William Duncan ... Craven Worthies, Some—William A. Shuffrey Cruikehank's Water-Colours—Intro. by J. ThAUBENY Laboratory, Magdalen College,

Oxford, a History of—R. r. Ganther ... 702

Dickens's London—Francis Miltown ... 299 DICTIONARIES ... —95-300-500-575-850 DIRECTORIES, PEERAGES, Ac.

264-301.341-575.648-890-929 Doctors and their Work—B. Bmdenell-Carter 94 Domesday Boroughs, the—A. Ballard ......929 Drink Trade, Municipal, the Case for—E. R. Dryden's Essay in Dramatic Poetry—Ed. by

Durbar, the—Mortimer Maven 159 CHEROLLES, Mlle. des, Memoirs of—Lane E Educe on and Industrial Success—W. P.

— Justice in—W. Sanday — the Journal of—Rice (pub.)

Egyptian Dynasty, Third, Tombs of the-

301 Eikon Basilike—Ed. by Edward Almack ... 575 Electrician's Workshop, the Amateur—S. R.

Bottone 460 Elizabeth, Queen, and the Levant Company—

H G. Rosedale Elizabethan Lyric, the : a Study—J. Erskine... 988 Empire, the Path of—George Lynch _ 499 Empires, the First of—W. St. Chad Boscawen 160 England, a Junior History of—Charles and

Mary Oman 850 — and Ireland, a History of the Commercial and Financial Relations between—Alice

E. Murray . 105 — Happy—Mrs. ingham 672

English Acres, BuyAll F. —C. Dowsett ... 23-818

— Topography, XV.—Ed. by G. L. Gomme 1390 Essays on Life, Art, and Science—Samuel Ethics, Recent Tendencies in—W. R. Sorley ... 839 Eton in 1829-1830—T. K. Selwyn ...

— Nature Study—X. D. Hill and W. M. Webb 301 Excavations at Phylakopi in Melos—D. T.

Exiles of Eternity—John S. Carroll ... 379 Expositor, the, Vol. VIIL—Ed. by W. Robert-

-DAR East, Maps of the ... . . Far Eastern Impressions—E.F. G. Hatch Farming—W. M. Tod

Farrar, F. W., the Life of—R. Farrar Fatigue—A. Mosso _. _ Fielding, Henry, the Complete Works of— Essay by W. E. Henley _.

Fife Miners, Among the—Kellogg Durland Fire Insurance, the Principles and Finance of —F. Harcourt Kitahin ...

Flora and Sylva—Ed. by W. Robinson ...

Fountains Abbey—George Hodges ... Fowle, Thomas Welbank—Blackwell (pub.) ... Fratribns—john Trent Bramston French Impressionists, the—Camille Mauclair

GENESIS, the Book of, Treated as an Authentic Record, Part III.—G. Green- wood

Geometry for Schools, a New—S. Barnard and

German Emperor's upeeclies, the—Trans. by Louis Elkind 'Glory,' H.M.S., the Commission of—A. E.

Golf, Ladies' —hiay Golfer, the Unlucky—M. C. Hime Golfers, Great their Methods at a Glance— G. W. Beldam, Gordon League Ballads—Mrs. 'Clement N. Jackson Greece. the Tutorial History of—W. J. Wood- 850

Greek Story and Song—A. J. Church 93 Gregory, Benjamin, D.D. : Autobiographical

Recollections—Hodder (pub.) ... 673

GUIDES, HANDBOOKS, Ac. 60.95-138-190.264-

301-341575-648.890.929 Gunpowder and Ammunition—H. W. L. Hime 929

HADES—E. S. Pella Hampshire J. Charles Cox Hampstead Annual, the—Ed. by G. E.

Matheson and S. C. Mayle 264 Heroic Play, the English—L. N. Chase... _. 162 Hippolytus of Euripides, the—Trans. by G.

aria 817

Home, the—Charlotte Perkins Gilman... ... 992 Horace for English Readers—E. C. Wickham 539 Home Biblicae—Arthur Carr ... _ . . 226 Horse Breeding and Management —Frederic 263 739 739 818 227 702 23 888 262 672 301 849 379 60 189 888 539 819 539 927 300 994 301 421 137 137 158 781 283 94 928 889 739 739 165 576 889 263 — Points of the—H. Horace Hayes — ... 227 Hortus Vitae : Essays on the eardealar of Life—Vernon Lee .... _ 161 Home of Quiet, the : an Autobiography—Ed. by J. T. Housewife's What's 'What, the—Mary Davies 1021 How to Keep Well—F. H. Crandall ... 677 Humanism : Philosophical Essays—F. C. S.

INDIA the Linguistic Survey of, Vol. V. ... 850 India, the Sportsman's Book of—Ed. by

India, Winter—Eliza Ruhama Scidmore 159 Indian Friends and Acquaintances, Some-- Ingoldsby Country, the—C. G. Harper ......993 Inniskilling Dragoons, With the—J. W.

Inventions, Boys' Second Book of—B. S. Baker 993 Irish History, an Epoch in—J. P. Mahatfy ... 160 — Life and Humour in Anecdote and Story— W. Harvey 987 Israel, Ancient, Politics and Religion in—J. C.

— Studies in the Religion of—L. A. Peeler ... 903 Italian Travel, 1580-1000, the Book of—H. N.

JAPAN, an English Girl in—E. X. H. Bennett 1021 Jaen, Modern, a Handbook of—E. W. Jesus, the Kinsfolk and Friends of—R. C. Gillie 164

Jewish Coins—Theodore Reinach ... 300 John Bull's Adventures in the Fiscal Wonder- land—C. Geake and F. C. Gould ... ... 420 Journalist, Confessions of a—Chris Healy ... 990 Judaism, Thought, on—Lily H. Montagu ... 379 Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases, the

KEYSTONE of Empire, a—Harpers (pub.) 22 Khedive's Country, the—Ed. by G. Mau- King, Around the World with a—W. N. Arm-

King, Clarence, Memoirs—Putnam (pub.) ... 1021 King's Classics, the—Moring (pub.) ... ... 609 — College, Cambridge, the Register of—J. J.

Kites, Practical—Frederick Walker 460 Klondike. Three Years in the--J. Lynch ... 500 Koreans at Home—Constance Tayler 818

LADY ANNE'S Walk—Eleanor Alexander 137 Lebrun, Madame Vitae. Memoirs of — Trans. by Lionel Strachey ... 676 Leighton, Robert, the Life and Letters of—D.

Letters from England, 1846-1849—Elizabeth 1). Libraries of Canterbury and Dover, the Ancient

Li Hung-Chaug his Life and Times—Mrs. Archibald Little ... 161 Lincoln, Abraham, the True—W. E. Curtis ... 127

Literary Etiquette—Victor G. Plarr 163 Literature. Critical Papers in—W. M. Thackeray 341 — of the Highlands, the—M. Maclean_ ... 966 London Education—Sidney Webb ... 341 Lope do Vega, the Life of—H. A. Ronnort ... 967 Lopez Family, the Story of the—Ed. by C. Byot 648 Lubibu Albdb (Second Part), the, of Muham- mad 'Aini—Ed. by E. G. Browne ... 460 MADAGASCAR, Thirty Years in—T. T.

Magdalene College, Cambridge—E. K. Purnell 1020 Marylebone, Old, the Great Folk of—Mrs. Bantle Saunders ... ... 380

Magyars, the City of the—F. B. Smith ... 674

Manchester Infirmary, Sketches of the Life and Work of the Honorary Medical Staff of the, 1752.1830—E. M. Brockbank ... 702 Mangan, James Clarence, Poems of—Ed. by 816 Minor Prophets, the—B. F. Horton......966 Missioner's Handbook, the—Paul B. Bull ... 540

Modelling—Professor Lanteri ... 158 Molecular Dynamics and the Wave Theory of Light, Baltimore Lectures on—Lord Kelvin 301 Monroe Doctrine, the, the Polk Doctrine and the Doctrine of Anarchism—Whitelaw Reid 299 Monte Carlo Facts and Fallacies—H. S. Maxim 576 Monument Facts and Higher Critical Fancies

Mormonism, the Founder of—J. W. Riley ... 676 Motor, the Modest Man's—C. G. Matson 499 Music-Lover, the Diversions of a—C. L. Graves 1019

NAPIER, Robert, Life of—James Napier ... Napoleon: a Short Biography—R. H.

Napoleon, Talks of, at Si. Helena with General Baron Gourgaud—Trans. by E. W. Latimer Naves, Edward (a Versatile Professor)—Ed. by National Ideals, the Coarsening of—John Watson Nature, the Kinship of—Bliss Carman-. ... 991 Naval Annual, the—Ed. by T. A. Brassey ... 1019 Neolithic Man in North-East Surrey—W. Johnson and W. Wright ... 647 NEW EDITIONS 24-60-95-138-190-227-264-205-341- 421-461-499-500-540.541-576-610- 702781-81843504190.967 927 Marriage and E. C. Harvey-Brooke 24 Martyrs, English, Beatified by Pope Leo XIII.

—Ed. by Dom Bede Camm ... 992 Mary Queen of Scots, Authentic Portraits of

23 Mason, the late H. C. F., Compositions and Translations by—Clay (pub.) 227 Mazarin—Arthur Hassell ... 164 Memories of the Head, Seine—Neill (pub.) ... 676 — Other, Old and New—John Kerr ... 780 Mezzotints—Cyril Davenport ... 672 Millet and the Barbizon School — Arthur

Tomson 158 Mineral Springs and Climates, the Thera-

peutics of—J. Burney Yco ... 701 Miniature Painters, British and Foreign—J. J.

993 966 991 94 (See also pp. 24-95-190.) Poets of Faith, Doubt, and Paganism, Modern

A. Lyttelton 993 Porcelain, Old English, a Brief History of-

421 Ports and Docks-Douglas Owen 421 Pottery and Porcelain, English, in the British Museum, a Guide to the ... 648 - English, the Catalogue of-R. L. Hobson ... 421 Poultry Farm, the Story of Oar-E. Roper ... 890 - Keeping for Profit-Sir Walter Gilley ... 739 Prayers, Psalms, and Lections for the House- hold-Canon Howbeit ... 575 Priestley, Dr. Joseph, Memoirs of-Allenson 609 Prime Minister's Pamphlet, the-Julian Sturgis ... 164 Professor, a Versatile (Edward Nares)-Ed. by 94 Protestant Dictionary, the-Ed. by C. H. H.

Wright and C. Neil ... 701 Proverb Lore-F. E. Hulme 161 Psalms of Israel, the-Bishop of Derry, Sic. ... 817 - the Book of-T. K. Cheyne 701 - the, Vol. I.-Ed. by Professor Davison ... 817 - the Titles of the-J. W. Thirtle 461 Pseudo-Criticism--Sir R. Anderson 781 Psychic Power in Preaching-J. S. Kennard._ 817 Public School Hymn Book, the-Nuvello (pub.) 166 flUAKER GREY-Intro. by A. C. Curtis ... 929

14C QUARTERLIES, the ... 137-617 Quebec under Two Flags-0. G. Doughty and

N. E. Dionne

Queen of Tears, a-W. 11. Wilkins ... Quotations (English), Contemporary, Diction. ary of-Helena Swan

RABIES its Place among Germ Diseases, and its Origin in the Animal Kingdom- David Sime Railways-E. R. McDermott ...

Ranching with Lords and Commons-J. R.

Rapallo, Past and Present-P. I. A. ... 190 Rapid Review, the-Pearson (pub.) 301 Real Conversations-William Archer ... 575

REFERENCE BOOKS, Ac. 60.95-138490-264-301-

341-575.648.890-929 Relgon : its Origin and Forms-J. A. Mac- 928 Rembrandt -M. Michel ... 159 Reresby, Sir John, Memoirs and Travels of-

K. Paul (pub.) 540 Rogers, Samuel, the Table Talk of-G. H. 298

994 Roman Forum, Recent Excavations in the, 1898-1904-E. Burton-Brown ... 300 - Highways, Our-U. A. Forbes and A. C. 992 - Roads in Britain-el'. Codrington 676 Roof of the World, Adventures on the-Mrs.

Aubrey le Blond 676 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, and his Circle, Recol- lections of-H. D. Dunn ... 300 Buskin Relics-W. G. Collingwood 672 Russia at the Bar of the American People-I. 849 190 300 460 189 New Zealand, the Story of-F. Parsons ... 987 Noctes Ambrosianae-Abridged by Joanna Scott Monerieff ... 1021 Norway, a River of-C. Thomas-Stanford 165 Notes from a Diary, 1892.1895-Sir M. E. Grant Novelists, Female, Our Early-A. M. Williams 301 Nyasaland under the Foreign Office-H. L. Duff 989 ettlERLAND, Flower-Time in the-H. D.

Rawnsley . . 380 Oxford Correspondence of 1903, an-Ed. by W.

Wards Fowler ... 461

- Near-H. T. Inman .' . 1021

- Printing, " 1468 "-1900, a Chart of-F. Madan 540 Oxfordshire, Old, Memorials of-Ed. by P. H. PAINTERS and Engravers, Bryan's Dic-

tionary of-Ed. by Dr. Williamson ... 158 Painters, French, the Great, from 1830 to the Present Day-Camille Mauclair ... 671 Painting, French, in the Sixteenth Century- L. Dimier


- in Italy, a History of, Vols. 1.-ILLJ. A. Crowe and G. B. Cavalcaselle ... 671 Palestine Exploration Fund, the : Quarterly Statement, April ... ... 610 Palgrave's Golden Treasury, Books I.-IV., Notes to-J. H. Fowler and W. Bell ... 421 Paradise in Sole Paradisus Terre:stria-John 928 Paradosis-Edwin A. Abbott ... 780 Paris (from) to New York by Land-H. de 23 Pastor Hai-Mrs. Howard Taylor... 341 Patents, British, for Inventions, the Grant and Validity of-J. Roberts ... 263 PEERAGES, DIRECTORIES, dm. 60-95-138.190-264- 301-341-575.648.890.929 People of the Abyss, the-Jack London ... 675 Physical Training for Women by Japanese Methods-H. I. Hancock 739 Pickering, Anna X. W., Memoirs of-Ed. by

S. Pickering ....- 990 Platonism in English Poetry of .the 16th and

17th Centuries-J. S. Harrison... .., 59 Poetry, Books of :- - Hour-Glass, the ; Cathleen ni Houlihan; The Pot of Broth-W. B. Yeats ... 989 - King's Threshold, the ; On Baile's Strand- 989 380 Seng4. Old and New, for Young Singers- W. L. Beeper and G. Simpson ... 59 Soto, Fernando di-B. B. Cunninghame

Graham 989

Spiritism, Modern-J. G. Ranpert ... 966 Sporting Paradise. a-P. St. Michael-Podmore 967 Stanford's London Atlas of Universal Geo-


608 Sterne, Simon, the Life and Public Services of -John Foord ... 189 Stock Exchange, the-Charles ... 421 Stray Thoughts on Reading; Sc., &c.-Lucy

H. M. SonlsbY 673 Strength of the People, the-Helen Bosanquet 991 Survey of Twenty-six Counties, a Relation of a

Short-Ed. by L. G. W. Legg ... 929 Swimming-Ralph Thomas 1021 160 S.P.G., the, in New Guinea-S.P.G. (pub.) 461 Soho, Men and Women of-J. H. Cardwell and

SH A EP,SPEARE, Editions of ... 24-500-539-890

Shakespeare Documents-Collected by D. H.

- Eighteenth-Century Essays en-lid. by D. Nichol Smith ... ..„ ... 163 Shakespeare's Homeland-W. S. Brassiugton... 165

- Plots-W. H. Fleming ... ... 675 Shipbuilding Industry-of Germany, the-G. Lehmann-Felskowski

Sicily-F. Hamilton Jackson

Simtrson, William, R.I., the Autobiography of

of the Members of, Vol. IV., 1648-1712 - - the Life of-Trans. by Valentina Haw trey - the Virgin, Oxford, the Church of-H. L.

St. Patrick, the Cathedral Church of-J. H.


Saul : the Rise of tli2 Hebrew Monarchy-R. Sinker School-Murray (pub.) ...

Science, New Conceptions in-Carl Snyder Scientific Method, the Teaching of-H. E.

Sculpture, a Catalogue of, in the Department of Greek and _Roman Antiquities-A. H.


- American, the History of -L. Taft Setuagint, Translation of the-Charles Charles l Serb, Through the Lands of the-Mary E. Durham ...

Servian Tragedy, the-Herbert Vivian... ... Seville, the Story of-W. M. Gallichan... 1021 190 690 993 672 421 674 889 678 675 263 993 341 889 137 159 533 540 Teachers in Secondary Schools, Register of - Sonnenschein (pub.) ... 1021 Temple, Archbishop, Early Associations of- Tennyson, Alfred-A. C. Benson Thackeray, W. M.-G. K. Chesterton and Theophrastus, the Characters of-Ed. by J. M. Edmonds and G. E. V. Austen ...

Things as They Are-Amy Wilson-Carmichael Tintoretto -Stoughton Holborn ...

Tozer, Bishop, Letters of ...

Trade-Unionism and British Industry-E. A.

Pratt ... 676 Travel, Old Time-A. Dines Shand ... 59 Trinity College, Dublin its Foundation and Early Fortunes, 1591-1660-J. P.

Helaffy 160 - - Glenalmond-Morgan & }Kidd (pub.) ... 1021 - - Oxford, Drawings of-T.21. Ronaldson... 264 Tristan and Iseult, the Romance of-J. B6dier 672 Turkish Life in Town and Country-Lucy M. J.


Turner, the Water-Colour Drawings of, in the National Gallery-T. A. Cook ...

Turnpike Travellers-Eleanor G. Hayden ... 262 1020 993 992 500 300 421 609

AlrAKEFIELD, Thomas : Missionary and V Geographical Pioneer in Africa-E. S. Wakefield _ 379 Wesley, John : the Man and his Mission-G.

Holden Pike... ._ „ 299 Wexford, History of the Town and County of 1020 Wharfedale, Two Thousand Miles in-

E. Bogg 341 Whistler, James McNeill, the Art of-T. R.

Way and G. R. Dennis ... 159 Wilberforce, William-Travers Buxton 677 William William IL, German Emperor, the Life of his

Majesty-W. Jacks _. 991 Wimbledon and Merton Annual, the-Ed. by

H. v. d. 13. Copeland ... _ 264 Wolfe, Charles, the Poems of-Memoir by C. Litton Falkiner 1E0

World's Work, the-Ed. by U. Norman ... 137

YEAR-BOOKS, Se. 60.95-138-190-264-301-341.575 648-890.

Yorkshire, Handbook for-Stanford (pub.) ... 992994

flIAXES, How to Deal with Your-Richards 540 987 23 890 460 158 576 264 UNDER Croagh Patrick - Mrs. William United States, the, in Our Own Time-E. B.

VENN Family Annals-John Venn ... Views of Life (of a Lesser Man)-Caro- line Gearey

Violin Makers, British, Classical and Modern Virgil's Aeneid, the Twelve Books of-Trans. E. Fairfax Taylor _ „, Visitation Charges-William Stubbs 1011. Canon, 288; a Memorial to, 1013. America and Retaliation, 216-411-451. Americana and the Russo-Japanese Question, 255. Anglo-Saxons and the Bible, 454. Animal Friendships, Strange, 413-493. Animals : the Cash Value of, 370.414; the World's Biding, 639; which Play (lames, 813. Anti-Aggression Society, the, 86. Audley End, the Appanage of, 181-217. Australian Elections, the, 531. Ayr Burghs, the Bitter Cry from the, 215.

BATTLES of Birds and Feasts, 15.

Bismarck and Protection, 48.

Black, Mr., his Motion, 842. Blind, Royal Normal College and Academy et. Music for the an Appeal, 454. Blunders, Authentic, 2.M-413-493.

Booth, Mr. Charles, on Fiscal Reform, 83. Brabrook, E. W., C.B., F.S.A., 639. Bradford Fabrics, 638-699.

Bradford's Progress, 769.

Bright, John, his Ancestry, 370. Burke and Adam Smith on the Fiscal Question, Cl.

CAMPBELL'S "Exile of Erin," 879. Canada and the Results of Preference, 809. Chamberlain, Mr. : and the Poor, 12; his Speech at the Guildhall, 125.

Chamberlainism and Unionism, 330. Cha.mberlainites, the Triumph of the, 450. Cheviots, the Heart of the, 1013. Chillianwallah, 844-879-920.

China, when we Saved, 128-182-217.255-290-2.

Chinese Labour : Tactics of the Capitalistic Press, 124; in South Africa, 180.255.289-331309-410-601; and the British Soldier, 331- the Blue-book on, 408 ; a South African View, 530; and British Columbia, WO.

Church Funds and Parliament, 48.

Church, the, and Education, 16. Classics in Education, the, 919.1012; Kaiser Wilhelm II. on the, 919.

Cobbs, the late Mies, an Unpublished Essay by. 771.

Cobden as Prophet, 216.

Cobden Centenary, the, 917-955.

Combes, M., and the Congregations, 491-532. Combinations and Permutations, 564. Compassion, 333.

Competition, International, 180.

Conscription, 878; Proposals for, the, 958-1009. Conversation, Wordless, 1013.

Cotton iu the United States, Export Duty on, 12. Criminal as Man, the, 565.

Crisis in Party Government, the, 637.

" TIATLY News," the, and Mr. Campbell, 532. 1-• Dalhousie, 919.

Defences, Our Inadequate, 1010.

Devonshire, the Duke of, and the Unionist Free- Food League, 11.

Diomedea Exulans, 14-50.

Disraeli, 640; his Borrowings, 808-878.918-958.

EASTERN Question, the Middle, 87. Education: and Free-Trade, 85; London, 412-490.

Education Question, Prolegomena to Compromise on the, 566-599.

Elementary-School Teaching as a Profession, 412- 452-491-528.

England and Germany, 918-956.1011.

Englands, the Two, 601.

Eton in 1829-1830, 87.

Eurasians of India, the, 181.

Exports, British, Swelling Foreign Imports, 709.

FIDELITY, a Dog's, 256. Food : How the Government Oppose Prefer- ence and the Taxation of, 330 ; the Taxation of, Brought to a Test, 489.

Foreign Policy, Our, 369.

Fox and Hounds, 256.

France and the Vatican, 841-876-918-957-1012. Free-Trade : the Controversy on, 12; How to Consolidate the Forces of, 84 ; and Home-Rule, 816 126 ; Forecasts of, 128; the League of, 254 ; Feeling in Australia, 368 ; and Retaliation, 45L Free-Trader, an Early, 565.

Free-Traders who are Supporters of the Govern meat, the Case of, 329.368-449.

sisLirmo, the Life of, 217-291.

German, a Word from a, 877.

German Emperor, the, 768. German Opinion. 768.

German Policy, 412.

German South-West Africa : Dr. Hartmann's Colonial Scheme, 124.

Germany : the Attitude of, 328; Modern, and the Bismarekian Tradition, 448; and England, 918.950- Gladstone, Mr. : on Keate, 13; his Diction, 14; on Retaliation, 368.

"Good Gray Head which all Men Knew," the, 1012. Gough, Lord, 810.

Greek at Oxford, 290.

HAWFINCIIES, 566-602-639-695. -1-4. Henson, Canon Hensley, and a New Lectionary, 694-729.

Historical Portraits at Oxford, 636.

Holidays in Cornwall, 879.

Home-Rule : is it Dead ? 49; Question, the, 87; the House of Lords and, 254; the Over-Representa- tion of, 254-290-333-410-450-533-694.

Horsemanship in England, 533.

Housing Question in England and Germ any, the,

Husband, the Value of a, 282.

" IMPERIAL Thinking," 125-180. "L. Imports and Employment, 532.

Indian Sympathy with the Japanese, 454. Industrial Law Committee, the, 1013. Industries; " Infant," the Coddling of, 127. Industry, a Ruined, 127.

Ireland as a Tourist Resort, 1012. Jews at Limerick, the Boycott of, 694-729. Johnson, Dr.: or Bentley ? 15; on Imports and Exports, 489.

" Joiceman Shepherd," 819.

"'TRATE, Dr. : the Secret of his Line, 13 ; the Successes of his Boys, 87.

King : his Visit to Kiel : a Note of Exclama- tion! 957.

King's Commission, the, and the King's English, 959.

Kipling, Mr., his Army of a Dream, 1011.

LA BELLE ALLIANCE, the Battle of, 13-49-85.

Leagues and their Legacies, 253. Lecky, Mr., on the Temptations of Age, 215. Lectionary, is a New One Really Needed ? Ledger and Sword, 333. "Letters which Never Reached Him," the, 1013.

Liberals and Free-Trade Unionists, 179.

Liberal Unionism, the End. of, 126.

Licenses, New for Old, 451. Licensing Bill, the, 692-728-767-916-956-1008. Limerick, the Bishop of, on the Treatment of the Link with the Past, a, 771.

List, Friedrich, and Free-Trade, 48.

Lodge in the Wilderness, a, 211-772.

MACAULAY, Lord, on Free-Trade and Labour Regu-

"Man in the Street," the Origin of the Phrase, Martineau, Dr., his Relation to Unitarianism, 50. Materialism of English Life, the, 920-1013.

" Meanness " in Giving, 130.

Mental Listlessness, 131.

Metaphors, Mixed, 342-843-879-920.

Militia, a Winter, 1011. Mine-Owners who can " Think Imperially " Ministry, the Coining, 564-601.

Montalembert and the House of Lords, 183.

NAPLES Society for the Protection of Animals, an Appeal for the, 879. Navy, the Gate of the, 411-453-490. New Forest in Spring, the, 728-808.

OPERA, Subsid:sed, 25G-292. " Original Poems," 50. Over-Representation of Ireland, the, 638-768. Oxford, the Moral of the Recent Proceedings in Convocation at, 843-877-919.

Prr Government, the Crisis in, 637-840. Pauperism, the Rising Tide of, 129. Physical and Military Training in Schools, 770.

Pineapples and Protection, 808. Pius X., the Pontificate of, 490. Poetry, is the Taste for, Declining ? 291-333. Pope, the, and the Temporal Power, 877.

Potteries, the Morals of the, 129-132.

Praise, the Art of, 533.

Protection: the French Theory of, 127; and Protectionism, Old and New, 125.

Protectionists, a Problem for. 216.

Proverbs, English: in Latin Hexameters, 413; in Public-House Trust Movement in Australia, the, Pulsford, Mr., the Election of, 878.

RACIAL Conflict in the United States, the, 566.

Railway Vandalism, More, 639-695. Rates, Local, and Fiscal Reform, 451. Religion of the Schoolboy, the, 770. Retrievers and Woodcocks, 256-291.

' Retvisan,' the, and the Anglo-Russian Alliance Ruskin and Free-Trade, 216; a Japanese Domestic Servant on, 332.

Russia and Japan, 47; and "the Comity of Russia : the Internal Condition of, 917; Reform Russian Socialism, 15.

Russians in Finland, the, 256.

SenoLiiiioasnirlipCslas, sicaylaaullityry of, 130.

" Securus Judicat Orbis Terrarum," 15. Shakespeare and Bacon, 492. Silvela, Senor, 180. Sims Reeves and the German " Lied," 454.492. Social Intercourse between Natives and British in India, 255. Spencer, the late Herbert, his Biography, 1E3, Stephen, Sir Leslie, 370-77L Stowaways, Animal, 414.

TARIFF Reform and Mid-Devon, 48. Tea-Duty and the Empire, 693. Tennyson : and the Mo'allalolt, 256-290 ; a South

Three-Colour Process, the, 920.

Tibet : the Question of, 333; the Incident in, 638.

Tobacco-Duties and Free-Trade. 565.

'Praetorian Movement, the, and Miss Yonge's "Heir of Redclyffe," 290-413.

Transvaal Labour Shortage, Mr. Grant and the, Turkey, Devastation in, 129.

IINIFORWS, the Army Council and, 694. Unionist Free-Foeders, the Proposed "Con- cordat" with, 12.

Unionists : the Duty of, 409.450; and Home-Rule, We-449489. Waamisre, a, 289.

Woodcocks, 217. Vulgarity, the Evanescence of, 566.

Warren Hastings or Clive ? 87. Waterloo, the Prussians at, 290.

Wellington and Blucher, 49.

Whistler and his Critics, 15.

Whistler Exhibition in Boston, the, 602.

Woman Proposes, 413.

Woman's Suffrage, 491.

Women and the Bar, 492.

Women's Free-Trade Union, the, 450.

Working Girls' Club at Mayfair. the, 602. Working Men's College, the Jubilee of the, 920.

"YELLOW Peril": the War and the, 289; the True, -1- 917.



A NYARCTIC Ship ' Discovery,' the Safe Arrival of the, in New Zealand, 555.

Arnold-Forster, Mr. : at Liverpool, on Army Reform, 115; at Leamington, on Retaliation, 170.

Auxiliary Forces General Turner and the, 683 ; the Rumoured Reduction of the, 683.

-planar, Mr. J. C., on Home-Rule and Fiscal Pohcy, 3.

Balfour, Mr. : at East Manchester, 74; on a Closer Union with the Colonies, 74; at Edinburgh, on Professor Butcher, 115; the Illness of, 206.207-242- 319 ; at the Albert Hall, on Home-Rule, 759.

Birthday Honours, the, 999.

Bisley, the Miniature, at Olympia, 683.

Board of Trade Returns, the, 39-75.

CAMPBELL, Rev. R. J., the Attacks on the, 479. Campbell-Bannerman, Sir H. at Maidstone, on Co:operation with the Free-Trade Unionists, 75 ; at Glasgow, on Mr. Chamberlain's Changed Attitude, 171.

Cecil, Lord Hugh, on the Position of the Unionist Free-Traders, 17L Chamberlain, Mr. Austen, at Stalybridge, on Fiscal Policy, 115.

Chamberlain, Mr. J.: Invited to Visit Australia, 2-38; on Sir Oliver Lodge, 39; his Correspondence with the Duke of Devonshire, 74; at Birmingham, on Imperial Policy, 75 ; at the Guildhall, 114 ; on Chinese Labour, en ; at Birmingham, on his Fiscal Policy, 759.

Chapel of the Pyx, the Dean of Westminster on the, 719.

Chinese Labour : the Queen's Hall Meeting against, 243; the "Glorious Opportaiity "Afforded by the Ordinance for Evangelistic Work, 319; the Negotiations with Pekin, 554; Mr. Chamberlain on, 682 ; the Advertisement in the China Times, 999.

Clarke, Sir George, Appointed Head of the Secretariat of the Committee of Defence, 797.

Cobden, Mr.: his Real Attitude on Free-Trade, 319; the Celebration of the Centenary of the Birth of, 906.

Connaught, the Duke of, Appointed Inspector- General of the Army, 358.

Co-operative Congress at Stratford, the, 831.

Cotton: the Conference of Manufacturers, 3; Mr. C. W. Macara Gambling in, 39 ; Mr. Leigh Hunt on the Growing of, in the Soudan, 170 ; Mr. Emmett on the Supply Grounds of the Future, 478. Curzon, Lord, the Return of, 797.

DEVONSHIRE, the Duke of, and the Liberal Party, 38; his Correspondence with Mr. Chamberlain, 74; at Liverpool, on the Fiscal Agitation, 114; at the Guildhall, 242; and the Liberal Unionist Association, 799.

EDUCATIONAL Awakening in England, Signs of, 553. Eliot, Sir Charles, the Resignation of, 998. Elliot, Mr. A., and the Liberal Union Club, 479. Emmett, Mr., on the Cotton Supply Grounds of the Future, 478.

Tj'ARQUHARSON, Dr., on Physical Deterioration, 3. -1: Firth, Mr., Appointed Regius Professor of History at Oxford, 947.

France, the Agreement with, 74-437-553-589 ; and Spanish Interests, 905. Free-Trade and the Unionist Party, the Edinburgh Remew on, 75.

GOSCHEN, Lord: at Halifax, on Protection, 171; on the Moral and Political Sciences, 83L

Greek Responsions at Oxford, 243. Grey, Lord, on the Licensing Bill, 719. Grey, Sir Edward, at Carnarvon, 39.

TT ti ALDANE, Mr.: on Germany under Protection, 3 ; -1-1- on Home-Rule. 39.

Hereford, the Bishop of, his Protest against Mr. Chamberlain's Proposals, 114.

Hunt, Mr. Leigh, on Growing Cotton in the Soudan, 170.

INDIAN Government, the, on the Preferential Pro- posals, 242, Dish Catholic Association, Dr. Walsh on the Boycotting of Protestants by the, 115.

Joachim, Dr., the Presentation to, 799.

Ruse : and Queen, their Visit to Chatsworth, 39 ; to Cambridge, 359 ; to Ireland, 682-718 ; his Visit to Kiel. 866; Receives General Booth, 999. Kipling, Mr., his Army Reform Fantasy, 947. na.

Aliens Bill, the, 518. Liberal Unionist Association, the Duke of Devon. shire and the, 799.

Liberal Unionist Council, the Meeting of the, 207. Liberals and Unionist Free-Trade Candidates, 439 ; the Daily Chronicle on. 439.

Licensing Bill: Lord Grey on the, 719; the Meeting of Protest at the Albert Hall against the, 867 ; Mr. Rowntree and Mr. Sherwell on the, 867. London County Council : the Education Com- mittee of the, 171; the Progressive Victory in the Elections, 399.

Lyttelton, Mr., at the Royal Colonial Institute, Macasa, Mr. C. W., on Gambling in Cotton, 3-39. Macedonian Question, the National Conference on the, 519.

Macedonian Relief Fund, the Work Done by the, 830.

Mahan, Captain, on the Russo-Japanese Conflict, 799.

Military Lords, the New, 243.

Military Reorganisation, 398.

Monaco, the Prince of, on Ocean Cephalopods, 867.

Montesquieu, Sir Courtenny Ilbert on, 907. Morley, Mr. John, at Manchester, 798.

'Corioa, Mr. T. P., on the Gateshead Election, O 831.

Officers' Letters to War Office Officials, the Order as to, 683.

Oxford, the Examiners in the Theology School at, 831.

'Dams/. Trophy, the Controversy over the, 947. -I- Pilot, Discontinued Publication of the, 831. Pollock, Sir Frederick, on Free-Trade, 38.

Prince and Princess of Wales, their Visit to Vienna, 625.

RADIUM: Sir William Eamsay on, 3; Sir Oliver Lodge on, 39. Revenue Returns, the, 519.

Richmond Palk, the King and, 519.

Roberts, Lord, Retires from the War Office, 279.

Rosebery, Lord: at the Scottish Liberal Club in Edinburgh, 39; on the Achievements of the Liberal League, 359; at Newcastle, 439; at the Queen's Hall, 947.

p OWNTREE, Mr., and Mr. Sherwell on the Licensing J-u Bill. NV.

Royal Academy Banquet, the, 719.

ST. MICHAEL and St. George, the New Chapel of, 999. Seely, Major, on the Chinese Labour Question, 75.

Selborue, Lord, at the Royal Academy Banquet, 719.

Soudan, the Commercial Possibilities of the, 906. Submarine AL the Loss of, 479427.

Submarines, the Admiralty and the Construction of, 555.

TARIFF Commission, the Members of the, 2.75. Tariff Reform League, Mr. Younger on the, 171. Taylor, Mr. Austin, on the Fiscal Policy, 3. Times, the Cheapening of the, 831. Turner, General, and the Auxiliary Forces, 683.

UNIONIST Free-Trade Candidates : Liberals and, 439; the Daily Chronicle and, 439.

Unionist Party, the Disintegration of the, 519.

VOLUNTEERS: the New War Office Organisation and the, 591; the Army Council and the, 683.

AAGNIM, the Discovery of an Unpublished Com- position by, 799.

War Office Reconstitution Committee, the Report of the, 207-358.519; Mr. Brodrick and the, 398.

Women's Free-Trade Union, the Meeting of the, 799.

Wright, Mr. Whitaker, the Suicide of, 170.


ADDRESS : Proposed Amendments to the, 170 ; the Debate on the, 206.207; the Fiscal Amend- ment, 242413-278 ; the Anti-Chinese Labour Amend. ment, 279.

Anglo-French Convention Bill, the, 866.

Army Estimate, the Supplementary, 319.

Army Estimates the Debate on the, 398 ; Mr. Arnold-Forster on the Lance, the New Rifle, Army Corps, and Barracks, .591.

Arnold-Forster, Mr., on the Somaliland Expedi- tion, 627.

B.uR, Mr. : on his Fiscal Policy, 519; and the i.ro New Army Scheme, 947 ; and " those of us who are in favour of Colonial Preference," 998.

Black, Mr., the Amendment of, 798.

Budget Debate, the, 626.627-718.

CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN, Sir Henry, on Homo-Rule, 718. Chamberlain, Mr. J. on the Tea-Duty, 626; ou Disestablish's-met, 718.

Chantrey Bequest, Select Committee on the, 999. Chinese Labour Debates: the Commons, 319- 478-479-998 ; in the Lords, 398-478-998.

Church, the Royal Commission on Disorders in the. 627.

Churchill, Mr. Winston, the Ministerialists and, 519.

Congo Free State : the Belgian Consul and Mr. Casement's Report ou the, 759 ; Debate on the Ad- ministration of the, 907-946.

Cotton-Growing in the Empire, Discussion on, 683. EVOCATION Debate, an, in the Commons, 438. Elliot, Mr. Arthur, his Challenge to the Pro- tectionists, 627.

FINANCE Bill, the Debate on the, 798. Fiscal Debates : in the Lords, 279-318-359-399 ; in the Commons, 359-399-798.

Free-Traders, the, why they Left the Cabinet, 399.

GOLD, the Output of, in the Transvaal, 682. Government the Drop in their Majorities, 319; the Defeat of the, 438.

KING'S Speech, the, 205.

LAND Values (Assessment and Rating) Bill, the, j'A 438. Lansdowne, Lord, on the Macedonian Question, 277-719.

Licensing Bill, the, 627-758-906.

Lyttelton, Mr., on the Chinese Labour Question, 243.

'lkireKzeita, Mr., and the Tobacco-Duties, 718. Milner, Lord, the Speeches of, 519.

NATIONAL Telephone Company, the Post Office and the, 479. Natives, the Treatment of, in the Witwatersrand Mines, 719. Navy Estimate, the Supplementary, 319. Navy Estimates : the Annual Statement, and the Debate on the, 358-359 ; the Growth of the, 591.

PARLIAMENT, Reopening of, 205. Public Business, the Serious Condition of, 947- RUSSIA, Friendly Feeling Shown towards, in the Tibetan Debate, 590. ASAPH, the Bishop of, his Education Bill, 758.

" Salisbury, Lord, the Monument to, 798. Scotch Education Bill, the, 518. Seely, Major, on the Treatment of the Natives in the Witwatersrand Mines, 719.

Somaliland Operations, the Discontinuance of the, 627.

Southwark and Birmingham Bishoprics Bill, the, 718.

Sugar Commission, Debate on the, 359.

rpizersit Expedition, Mr. Brodrick on the, 590-997. -1- Tobacco-Duties, Mr. McKenna and the, 718. Trade, Proposed Royal Commission on the State of, 438.

Trade-Union and Trade Disputes Bill, the, 682.

Wes Commission" Amendment to the Address, ' • the, 206.

War Office Reconstitution Committee, Debate in the Lords on the, 999.

Whitaker Wright Affair, the Attothey•General on the, 206.

Women and the Franchise, Debate on, 438.

[ELECTIONS.] A8H/3IIRTOIL-M.T. H. T. Eve (L.), 39. AYR Bunens.-Mr. Dobbie (L.), 207. DEVONPORT.-Mr. J. W. Bann (L.), 999. EAST Doi:arr.-Mr. Lyell (L.), 439. GATESHEAD.-311r. Johnson (L.), 115.

ISLE OF WIGHT.-Major Seely (U.), 555. MABXET HARBOROUGH.-MT. Philip Stanhope (L.), MID-HERTS.-Mr. Bamford Slack (L.), 278. NORMANTON.-Mr. W. Parrott (L.-Lab.), 359. Nceiwice.-Mr. L. Tillett (L.), 115.

SOUTH BIRAILLIGHAM.-Lord Morpeth (U.), 359.



Eliot, Sir Charles, the Resignation of, 998.


, Boer Congress at Pretoria, the, 830. Bubonic Plague, Outbreak of, at Johannesburg, 478. Cape Colony : and Asiatic Labour, 207 ; the Pro- gressive Victory in the Elections in, 278 ; the Redis- tribution Bill, 398; the Additional Representation Bill, 518,

Chinese Labour : the Debate on, in the Transvaal Legislative Council, 2; the Ordinance on, 38 ; the Rand Daily Mail and the Spectator's Attitude on, 114; the Petition in Favour of, 170; the Pal/ Malt and South African Feeling towards, 591; Arrival of the First Batch at Durban, 993.

Ethiopianism and Tribal Unrest in, 830-946. Lawley, Sir A., and the Boer Cougress, 830. Mashonaland, the Bishop of, on the Mining In- dustry, 398. Milner, Lord : on the Financial Situation, 358; his " Crocodile Tears " Speech, 866. Native Meeting in Johannesburg, a Remarkable, (125. Railway Administration, the Changes in, NC Railway Federation, the Question of, 681.


Lugard, Sir F. D., his Report on Northern Nigeria, 74.


Chamberlain, Mr. J., Invited to Pay a Visit, 2-38. Deakin, Mr., on the Policy of the Labour Party, 278. Labour Ministry, the Formation of a, 682. /NDLL Budget, the Surplus in the, 477. Curzon, Lord : his Tour to the Persian Gulf, 38; on Indian Frontier Policy, 518. Government of, on the Preferential Proposals, 242. Native Opinion and the Russo-Japanese War, 397.

Tibet, the Expedition into, 114-170-438-477; the Fight at Tanu, 517• and at Guru, 553; Beaches Gyangtse, 590-682 ; the Attack on Gyangtse, 757 ; the Storming of the Karo Pass, 757 ; the Palls Engagement, 865 ; the Attack at Kungen, 905. (See also pp. 797-829-945-997.)


Discovery,' the Return of the, from the Antarctic, 555.


Egerton, Sir C., Defeats the Mullah's Forces at Jldballi, 74.

hg, the Naval Capture of, 682.


AFRICA (SOUTH-WEST). Hereroa, the Rebellion of the, 113-170-477-625.


War in the Far East, the:- European Powers, the Attitude of the, 3. Chins, the Attitude of, 73-113-717.

Russian Fleet Attacked at Port Arthur, 241-277. Chemulpho, the 'Coreetz' and Varyag Sunk at, 241.

Port Arthur, Attacks on, 241-317-437-681-717-757. ' Yenisei,' the, Sunk by a Russian Mine, 277.

Stores at Port Arthur said to have been Tampered with, 277.

American Note on the Neutrality of China, the, 277. Possiet Bay, Reported Landing of Japanese at, 317. Alexeieff, Admiral, the Manchurian Proclamation of, 317.

Vladivostok, Bombardment of, 397.

Korea, Japanese Policy in, 397.

Cheng-ju, the Skirmish at, 517.

`Petropavlovsk; the Disaster to the, 589-625. Wireless Telegraphy, the Russians and, 625. Japanese Transports, the Sinking of, 681-945. Yalu, the Battle of the, 717-757.

Japanese Troops Land on the Liaotung Peninsula, 717-757.

• Hatsuse ' and Yoshino,' the Disasters to the, 797. Kinchan, the Storming of, 829-885.

Floating Mines, the Americans and the " Sowing" of, 829. Dalny Occupied by the Japanese, 865. Kuropatkin, General, Ordered to Relieve Port Arthur, 865.

Telinsu (near Wa-fang-tien), the Battle of, 945-997.

(See also pp. 1-37-73-113-169-205-241-277-317-357-397- 437.477-517-553-589-625-681-717-757-797-829-865-905-945- 997-) AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.

Army and Navy Estimates, the Enormous Increase in the, 797.

Goluchowski, Count, on Foreign Relations, 797, Hungarian Railway Strike, the, 681.

Prince and Princess of Wales Visit Vienna, 625. Tisza, Count, Defeats the Obstructionists, 437.


Leopold, King : his Visit to Berlin, 169; Princess Stephanie's Action against, 357-398.


Incas' Treasure, Reported Discovery of the, at Chayaltaya, 478.


Warlike Action Towards Turkey of, V.

(See also under " Macedonia.") CHINA.

Commercial Treaties with America and Japan, the, 73. Yuan Shi-Kai, Viceroy of Chihli, the Career and Aims of, 829.

(See also under "Asia-East,") FRANCE.

Ambassador to the Vatican, Recall of the, 82e. Anglo-French Agreement, the, 74-487-553-589 ; and Spanish Interests, 905. Carthusian, the Alleged Attempted Bribery by the. 94.5997.

Combes, : his Attack on Clericalism, 73; hie Bill against the Monastic Orders, 397-437.

Courts of Justice, Religious Emblems Removed from the, 554.

Deleasse, M., on the Value of Alliances and on Morocco, L Loubet, President, his Visit to Italy, 681; the Papal Protest against, 718-758. Monks and Nuns, the Bill to Prohibit them from Teaching, 397-437.

Papal Protest, Debate in the Chamber on the, 866. Paris Bourse, the Panic on the, 317.

Temps, the, on the Egyptian Question, 38.


Soudan, the Commercial Possibilities of the, 906.

Billow, Count von : on the Government's Anti- Polish Action, 169 ; on Russian Police Espionage, 357; on Foreign Affairs, 590; on the Herero Rising, 757.

Japanese Army, the German Staff and the Train- ing of the, 905.

Jesuits, the Readmission of the, 554.

Kaiser, the : his Tour in the Mediterranean, 477 ; Receives the King of Italy on the Hohenzollern' at Naples, 517 ; his Speeches at Karlsruhe and Heinz, 717; at Cuxhaven, 997.

King Edward, his Visit to Kiel, 866. King Leopold, his Visit to Berlin, 169. Private Soldier, the Alleged Terrible Sentence on a, 830.

Rheinbaben, Baron von, on Syndicates and Rings, 113.

Richthofen, Baron von, on Russian Police Espionage, 113. Sodal Democrats, the, and Emden Police Espionage, 113-357, ITALY.

Nast, Signor, the Charge of Peculation against, 477. Loubet, President, the Visit of, 681; Papal Pro- test against, 718-758.

Pope, the, and the Abolition of the Concordat, 998. Svampa, Cardinal, his Visit to the King at Bologna, 866.

169. Turin Library, the Destruction by Fire of the, Zanardelli, Signor, the Death of, 1.


Army, the German Training of the, 905. People, the Spirit and Temper of the, in the War, 905.

(See also under "Asia-East.") MACEDONIA.

Albanians, Revolt of the, 278.

Austro-Russian Reform Scheme, 1; the Third Reply of the Porte, 73.

Lieut.-Gen. de Giorgio Appointed to Command the Gendarmerie, 37.

(See also pp. 205-517-906-946.) MOROCCO.

Anarchical State of Affairs in, the, 946. Perdicaris and Varley, Messrs., the Kidnapping of, by the Brigand Baisuli, 830.


Anti-British Feeling in, 357. Bobrikoff, General, the Assassination of, 945-997. Economies in Expenditure Sanctioned by the Czar, 553.

Jews, M. de Plehve and the Government's Fear of the, 554.

(See also under "Asia-East,") SPAIN.

Anglo-French Agreement. :the, and Spanish Interests, 905.

King, the, his Visit to Barcelona, 554. Liberal Programme, the, 37. Silvela, Sefior, his Indictment of the Spanish Nation, 169.


Reform Memorandum, a Remarkable, 554,

(See also under "Macedonia,")


Baltimore, the Disastrous Fire at, 241.

Chicago, the Terrible Theatre Fire at, 2. Colorado, the Strike Outrage in, 906. Excursion Steamer Disaster in New York, the Terrible, 947.

Expenditure, the Increase in, 718. Northern Securities Trust Case, the, 438, Panama Canal, the, 2; the Treaty Ratified by the Senate, 317; the Progress of Work on the, 830. Population, the Census Estimate of the, for 1903, 554.

Presidency, the Candidates for the, 626. Racial Conflict, the, 398.

Roosevelt, Mr.: an Appreciation of, by Mr. Root, 357; and the Presidency, 478; Nominated for the Presidency, 998.

St. Louis Exposition, the Opening of the, 718. Sully, Mr., the Cotton "Operator," the Failure of, 478.


Hague Tribunal, the Decision of the, 318, OBITUARY.

Ainger, Canon, 243.

Allan, Sir William, 3.

Arnold, Mr. W. T., 867.

Bullard, Sir Harry, 3.

Cambridge, the Duke of (aged 84), 439.

Cobbe, Miss Frances Power (aged 81), 591.

Gissing, Mr. George, 3.

Isabella of Bourbon, ex-Queen of Spain, 590.

Orr-Ewing, Mr., 3.

Powell-Williams, Hr., 243.

Salmon, Dr. (aged 84), 171.

Stanley, Sir H. H., 759.

Zanardelli, Signor, 1.