2 JANUARY 1904, page 11

A Striking Letter On Our Physical Deterioration From Dr....

the popular Member for West Aberdeenshire, appeared in last Saturday's Times. As a former Army doctor, medical officer to one of our great public schools, and physician to a......

We Print In Another Column A Letter From A Valued

corre- spondent on the campaign which is being conducted against the Duke of Devonshire by weak-kneed Free-fooders. Of the guerilla warfare waged by Sir Henry Howorth in his......

Sir William Ramsay, Lecturing On Stars And Atoms At A

meeting of the British Astronomical Society on Wednesday, made a curious announcement with regard to radium. It appears that Messrs. Johnson, Matthey, and Co., platinum......

We Regret To Note The Death Of Mr. George Gissing,

the novelist. Though many people found his novels almost un- readable from their sustained dreariness, he could not be accused of the gratuitous delineation of middle-class......

The Papers On Friday Contained An Interesting Piece Of News.

The Federal Ministry, on behalf of the people of the Australian Commonwealth, has telegraphed an invitation to Mr. Chamberlain to visit Australia, adding that the Prefer- ential......

The Excessive Gambling On The Cotton Market In The United

States seems to have produced its natural result in heavy failures and a temporary dislocation of the industry. In this connection it is interesting to note the proceedings of......

Since Our Last Issue The Deaths Of Three Members Of

Parliament have been announced,—Mr. Orr-Ewing, who represented the Ayr Burghs ; Sir Harry Bullard, Mem- ber for Norwich; and Sir William Allan, Member for Gateshead since 1893,......

Mr. Haldane, Speaking At Edinburgh On Monday Night, Gave An

admirable summary of Germany's position under Protection, which we commend to any of our readers who may be perplexed by the analogy from Germany drawn by Protectionist......
