[to The Editor Op The " Spectator."] Sid, —in The
last paragraph of Mr. Massie's letter in the Spectator of December 26th, 1903, lies the crux of the situa- tion. Liberal Free-traders welcome the support of the Unionist......
[to The Editor Op The Spectator...1 Sir, — When Mr....
his campaign he ap- pealed to us all to be ready to sacrifice something to draw the Colonies closer to us and to maintain the Empire. There was something noble in that. When,......
Str, —" Barrister " (spectator, December 26th, 1903) Is...
how to vote. If he votes for a supporter of Mr. Balfour or Mr. Chamberlain, he will vote against Free-trade. We are engaged in a fight for the principles of freedom and......
[To THE EDff 02 OF THE "SPECTATOR."] STR,—Permit me to add a few remarks to Dr. Starling's letter in the Spectator of December 26th, 1903, relative to the Constitutional barrier......
[to Tim Editor Of The ° Spectator-1 Sir, — The Other Day I
was in a part of the country when, railways are few, and I had to travel across country in an omnibus. A man got in, who presently engaged me in con- versation on the subject of......
• [to The Editor Op The " Spectator.1 Sir, — In The
Spectator of December 26th, 1903, " Barrister" inquires : "How am I to vote for the present-day Radicals, who would give Home-rule to Ireland ? " &c., and " Sigma" inquires if......
[to Tue Editor Or Tee " Spectator. N I
Sts,—The letter of the Duke of Devonshire on behalf of the Unionist Free-Food League has given .rise to extraordinary comments from some persons who profess their attachment to......