2 JANUARY 1904, page 21

[to The Editor Op The Spectator...1 Sir, — When Mr....

his campaign he ap- pealed to us all to be ready to sacrifice something to draw the Colonies closer to us and to maintain the Empire. There was something noble in that. When,......

(to The Editor Of The " Spectator. " ] Sin,—your...

D. S. MacColl in the Spectator of December 26th, 1903, says : " It is perhaps a shame to give away the secrets of poetry." On this, to find what I had been given, I read his......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectato81 Sra,—i Hate Quoting

from myself; but your readers may like to compare or contrast Mr. Essington's high estimate of Keate (Spectator, December 26th, 1903) with the quaint account of that plagosus......

Srn,—when The Gallant Marshal Of Seventy-three Summers...

the farm of La Belle Alliance, he suggested its name as the one most suitable for the great victory just completed. The Iron Duke, with characteristic raideur, re- fused the......