2 JANUARY 1904, page 31

C Urrent Literat Ure.

A Keystone of Empire. By the Author of "The Martyrdom of an Empress." (Harper and Brothers. 7s. 6d.)—The writer of this book would seem to have been very much behind the scenes,......

The Log Of A Cowboy. By Andy Adams. (constable And

Co. 6s.)—This is a very truthful, and at times picturesque, record of the cowboy's life on the trail. It describes a great drive of cattle from Brownsville, on the Texas shores......

Has Certainly Advanced The Whole Question Considerably....

word has yet been said is doubtful. There is still an intermediate class of "supposed" portraits between the " authentic" and the "false,"—we use Mr. Cust's phraseology. The......

Buy English Acres. By C. F. Dowsett. (the Author, Winkle-

bury, Basingstoke. 10d. post-free.)—Mr. Dowsett, whose book, " Land : its Attractions and Riches," is probably within the memory of many of our readers, briefly states in the......

Eton In 1829 - 1830. By T. K. Selwyn. (john Murray. 10s.

6c1. net.)—T. K. Selwyn, younger brother of Lord Justice Selwyn (Senior Classic, 1828) and Bishop G. A. Selwyn, of New Zealand and Lichfield (Second Classic, 1831), was at Eton......

Marcus Tullius Cicero : Ten Orations. Edited By Richard...

von Minckwitz. (Macmillan and Co. 7s.)—This is an excellent and eminently " practical " book by an experienced Latin teacher in New York. It consists of the text of ten of the......

W. M. Thackeray. By G. K. Chesterton And Lewis Melville.

(Hodder and Stoughton. ls. net.)—This is one of the " Bookman Biographies," and is as conspicuous as the "Tennyson" lately noticed in these columns for the number and excellence......

From Paris To New York By Land. By Harry De

Windt. (G. Newnes. 12s. 6d. net.)—Mr. de Windt had had experience before of making by land journeys which ordinary men are content to make by sea. But even then he could hardly......