2 JANUARY 1904, page 10

The Debate On The Question Of Chinese Labour Opened In

the Transvaal Legislative Council on Monday. Sir George Farrar moved a Resolution requesting the Government to introduce a draft ordinance providing for the importation of......

The Telegraphic Summary Of The Debate, Though Fairly...

not enable us to see how the supporters of the Motion met the arguments, based on official statistics, put forward in recent issues of the Johannesburg Star, the paper until......

A Further List Of Names Added To Mr. Chamberlain's Tariff

Commission was published on Wednesday. Of these the most important are those of Sir Robert Herbert, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies from 1871 to 1892; Sir......

A Frightful Catastrophe Is Reported From Chicago, The...

catastrophes. A fire broke out on December 30th in a new theatre called the " Iroquois" while a matinee performance was going on, and spread almost instantly to the auditorium,......

The Papers On Friday Contained An Interesting Piece Of News.

The Federal Ministry, on behalf of the people of the Australian Commonwealth, has telegraphed an invitation to Mr. Chamberlain to visit Australia, adding that the Prefer- ential......

The Motion Was Further Supported By Mr. Van Rensbnrg And

General Andries Cronje (who spoke in Dutch), on the ground that it would relieve the sufferings of the farmers, who, owing to the shortage of labour, were obliged to keep their......

The Two Powers " Immediately Interested" In Macedonia...

to defeat the Sultan's policy of delay. Their Dragoman called on the Minister of Foreign Affairs on December 26th to inform him that if he did not apply to Italy at once for a......

The British Government Has Now Recognised The New...

Panama, the delay having only been caused by a wish to understand more clearly whether Panama accepted any of the financial responsibilities of Colombia. It appears that she......