It was announced on Friday that the French Government, having
at last determined to deal vigorously with the Sultan, have decided on a naval demonstration,—ending, of course, if necessary; with the seizure either of an important Custom house or an island. The Custom house is to be preferred, as the Sultans dimness of •geographical vision—he has hardly been out of Constantinople in his life—would probably make him regard the -temporary occupation of Mitylene with no great concern. The stoppage of receipts of money from Smyrna or Salonica, would trouble him a great deal more. A strong squadron detached from the . French Mediterranean fleet has been prepared at Toulon, and has received sealed order s to be opened in three days. Unless, then, the Sultan yields bet9re .that time is accomplished, action seems certain. The effect of eaeceasful coercion will, as always in the East, be greatly to 'increase French influence at the Porte, or rather to restore it, fc>r it 'had almost ceased to. exist. The Sultan and the 'Turks generally only respect those.who coerce !hem. Englishmen need not; however, regard the 'prospect of increased-French influence on the Bosphorus With anything hut equaliity; Germany hai too long been the Chief pbwer" at Conati*tiiaaide; and- the' that influence
consequent on the rise of France should be by no means a source of regret. We wish France all possible success in her action against the Sultan.