Mr. Hawksley And Mr. Chamberlain. [ts The Editor Op The
"SPECTATOR."] note you regret having fallen into an error in attributing to me a statement I never made. You do not. appear to appreciate the gravity of a suggestion that a man......
A Reserve Of Army Pensioners. [to The Editor Op The
"SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In the Spectator of October 26th you quote the Daily Express as responsible for the statement that the military authorities are preparing a scheme for a......
• Lord And Lady Mount Temple.
(To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—The death of Lady Mount Temple, who was the last survivor of my fathers sisters, will be regarded as the sever- ance of a precious link......
Civilian Responsibility And Control.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—It is with a feeling little short of amazement that I see you instancing Lincoln (Spectator, October 26th) as a man who learnt that "it......
The Tramways And The Roads.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."1 agree with your contention in the Spectator of October 19th that tramway companies, which, as is rapidly being found by experience, very......