2 NOVEMBER 1901, Page 16



agree with your contention in the Spectator of October 19th that tramway companies, which, as is rapidly being found by experience, very much monopolise the roads they occupy, should pay for their widening where necessary. But we are far from this principle being recognised at present. The London United Electric Tramway Company, for example, have been allowed to erect beyond Ealing centre posts for their wires, to save them, I suppose, the expense of the double row. This not only throws the two tram lines further apart so as to occupy a greater share of the• road, but it introduces a worse evil in obstructing the general traffic. Carts— especially country carts—and omnibuses seldom keep at all close to the side of the road. To pass them you must go pretty much in the centre. This the centre posts make impossible, and drive the more rapid vehicle to go completely on the wrong side if and when the counter traffic allows it, or to hang back for a chance, if his pace allows it, of passing in the short interval between two of the frequently occurring standards. On the inconvenience and danger to cyclists I can speak with much feeling, as I am at this moment suffering from the effects of a fall brought about by an attempt safely to clear an omnibus in passing between it and one of these central standards. The projecting granite base of the column caught the pedal of my bicycle and hurled me, face foremost, on to the roadway. This dangerous hindrance to traffic, which adds a quite unnecessary evil to the tedious and annoying Obstructions and delays caused by the quick runs and frequent stoppages of the cars themselves, should at all

events not be permitted.—I am, Sir, &c., C. T. M.

[The neglect of the authorities to keep our roads really open to traffic is very greatly to be condemned. A road should no more be obstructed in mid-stream than a river.—ED. Spectator.]