Crass And School Booss.—lessons In Elementary Gram Ma'....
A. Mirick, A.M. (Macmillan and Co. 2s. 6d.)—.A grammar of the English language, illustrated from old English ' usages, as well as Latin and Greek.—A Primer of Political Economy.......
Miss Nancy Bailey Has Drawn Up An Elaborate Index To
the Debates, Divisions, and General Legislative Action of the Session of 1901 as Vol. C. of Parliamentary Debates (Wyman and Sons).......
Alcoholism. By G. Archdall Reid. (t. Fisher Unwin. 6s....
Mr. Reid propounds various opinions which will be more or less questioned in various quarters. He absolutely disbelieves in the utility of the forcible restraint of indulgence......
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary. Edited By The...
(W. and R. Chambers. 3s. 6d.)—We have found this dictionary satisfactory, as far as our examination has gone, though, indeed, for really effective inquiry long-continued trial......
The Story Of Little Black Mingo. By The Author Of
"Little Black &lobo." (James Nisbet and Co. is. 6d.)—It is with great pleasure that we welcome an introduction to Little Black Mingo, a near relation to that delightful......
In "the Churchman's Bible," General Editor, J. Henry...
(Methuen and Co.), we have Isaiah, Vol. I, i.-xxxix., ex- plained by W. E. Barnes, D.D. Dr. Barnes holds that there are more Isaiahs than one. The theory of the proto and......
Le' The Temple Bible" V. Id._ Dent And Co.) We
have the boots of Genesis, edited-by A. H. Sayce, D.D., and Exodus, edited by A, IL S.• Kennedy, D.D. The two volubies are of convenient shape find size and very agreeable......
New Editions.—shakespeare's Songs. With Drawings By Henry...
3s. 6d. net.)—Love Poems of Burns. (Same publisher.)—In the "Windsor Edition of the Novels of W. Harrison Ainsworth" (Gibbings and Co., 6s. net), Windsor Castle, 2 vols.—Two......
The Nile Reservoir Dam At Asstian. By W. Wilcoas, C.m.g.
(E. and F. N. Spon. 6s. net.)—Mr. Wileocks deals, as may be supposed, with big figures. The needs of Egypt in the way of water, and the cost at which this need may be provided,......