2 NOVEMBER 1901, Page 25

In "The Churchman's Bible," general editor, J. Henry Burn, B.D.

(Methuen and Co.), we have Isaiah, Vol. I, i.-xxxix., ex- plained by W. E. Barnes, D.D. Dr. Barnes holds that there are more Isaiahs than one. The theory of the proto and deutero Isaiah does not satisfy him. He holds, for instance, that the denuncia- tion of Babylon (xiii. 1—xiv. 23) was not by Isaiah. The student will find the introduction very useful.—In the series of "Christian Study Manuals" (Hodder and Stoughton, is. net), we have The Early Church, by James Orr, D.D. This is a com- prehensive and intelligent .view of the first three centuries of the Church, with an account of the growth of the system of government, the doctrinal developments, &c. — In the same series is Protestant Principles, by J. Monro Gibson, D.D. We cordially agree with Dr. Glibson's hope that a closer union may grow out of recent pronouncements from both sides on the great theological questions of the day.—The Story of Joseph, by J. R. Miller, D.D. (same publishers, 25. 6d.), takes, we may say, the Genesis narrative for granted, and builds upon it a detailed account, illustrated from other sources, of the life of Joseph.