2 NOVEMBER 1901, page 3

Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Made Two Speeches At...

week. In the afternoon, addressing the General Council of the Scottish Liberal Association, he declared that he and his hearers were impervious to obloquy and abuse: "We do not......

Mr. Asquith On Tuesday Delivered A Rather Striking Speech At

Hampstead, the occasion being the twenty-first anniversary of Dr. Horton's Congregational Church. After an interesting description of the changes in Hampstead, which have so......

Unless The Reproductions Of The Models And Drawings Are...

unfair to the originals, we cannot look for- ward to any increase in the architectural beauties of the Metropolis from the Queen's Memorial. The total effect may be grandiose;......

We Feel Obliged To Notice The Assertion Made In Certain

sections of the Press that the original protests on General Buller's appointment were due to the machinations of "the Rhodesian gang." Could anything be more ridiculous? A......

We Have Dealt Elsewhere With The Question Of Civilian...

over military policy, but must note here the speech made by Mr. Wyndham at Dover on Wednesday. According to Mr. Wyndham, the Cabinet are by no means content to choose the best......

A Good Deal Has Been Said Of Late In The

Press in regard to the question of cyder. For ourselves, we believe that an increased consumption of cyder in substitution for that of beer, cheap wines, and spirits would be......

As We Go To Press We Hear The News Of

the safe arrival of the Duke and Duchess of York on English soil. Their safe and happy return after their long journey is a cause of sincere satisfaction to the whole nation.......

Lord Milner, Who Is Paying His First Visit To Natal,

has made two impressive speeches during the week at Pietermaritzburg and Durban. In the first, after paying a generous tribute to the disinterested patriotism and self-sacrifice......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

New Consols (2i) were on Friday 92i.......