2 NOVEMBER 1901, page 47

A Dash From Diamond City. By G. Manville Fenn. (ernest

Nister. 513.)—Mr. Manville Fenn always moves our admiration by his genius for detail. One would think from his description of the scene that he had spent a considerable portion......

Prom Playground To Battlefield. By Frederick Harrison,...

6d.)—The "playground" reminds us of Dotheboys Hail; Mr. Timson, chief of the "small academy," is not unlike Mr. Squeers, and Clifford Baxter has a considerable resemblance to......

The Lily Princess. By Marguerite Lloyd. (skeilington And...

6d.)—This is one of the numerous "Alice in Wonder- land" tribe, with sentiment put in the place of fan. We must own that the fun pleases us better, and we should think that the......

Per The Colours. By Herbert Hayens. (t. Nelson And Sons.

6s.) —In the first chapter of this "Boys' Book of the Army" Mr. Hayens gives a brief sketch of British battles from Hastings down to the end of the War of the Roses ; in the......

Two Story-books4

"LESLIE KEITH " gives us some really good and subtle studies of character in this story. "Cynthia's brother" is, to put the matter briefly, a ne'er-do-weeL People and......

Held To Ransom. By F. B. Forester. (t. Nelson And

Sons. 50 —A reader is not favourably impressed by this "Story of Spanish Brigands" when he finds very early in the narrative an uncle described as "an avuncular relative." There......