2 NOVEMBER 1901, page 23

Other Novels.

Willoudene Will : a Romance. By Halliwell Sutcliffe. Illus. tmted by Powell Chace. (C. Arthur Pearson. 6s.)—In the midst of all the various kinds of modern novel—the didactic,......

The Novel Of The Week.*

THAT Mr. Stephen Gwynn would sooner or later write a novel was a foregone conclusion, seeing that it was about the only department of humane literature unexplored by his......

Tales Of Dunstable Weir. By Zack. With Photogravure...

A. S. Hartrick. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—Most beautiful but most melancholy are the "tales of Dunstable Weir " Zack " gives us in a very fascinating little volume. The stories are......