Mr. Asquith on Tuesday delivered a rather striking speech at
Hampstead, the occasion being the twenty-first anniversary of Dr. Horton's Congregational Church. After an interesting description of the changes in Hampstead, which have so greatly impaired the seclusion of the old suburb, Mr. Asquith widened his speech into a consideration of the present aspect of religious life in the country. While acknow- ledging that much was accomplished of great value, he said that he detected a want of the sense of proportion, especially in the struggles over education, there being too much competi- tion where there ought to be co-operation, too much friction where there ought to be harmony. He deprecated carrying on religious and municipal work "in water-tight compartments," and would see the activities of the Churches co-ordinated with the activities of municipal life. He did not desire to see ministers enter into politics, but they might take a most use- ful share in municipal labours, especially in insisting on the
highest standard of civic probity in all administrators. That is perfectly sound and most beneficial advice, so long as the Churches remember that their business in the world is to make men better, and not only more comfortable. It is an excellent thing to secure men 22 a week instead of 21, but the first object of Christianity is to make men Christians.