The Nile Reservoir Dam at Asstian. By W. Wilcoas, C.M.G.
(E. and F. N. Spon. 6s. net.)—Mr. Wileocks deals, as may be supposed, with big figures. The needs of Egypt in the way of water, and the cost at which this need may be provided, make up formidable totals. "Egypt needs for its perfect development 80,000 cubic feet per second of water supply." This is a figure which it is difficult to realise, as 30,000 cubic feet are equivalent to a pond 100 ft. long, 30 ft. broad, and 10 ft. deep. The cost is more intelligible. The ideal scheme, with its reservoirs, irrigation and drainage works, &c, would cost £16,000,000, while it would add £60,000,000 to the value of the country. It should be observed that, as usual, the Public Debt Commissioners refused to find the funds, and that these have been provided by a special arrangement, which may fairly be described as one of the greatest triumphs of Lord Cromer's financial diplomacy. Elaborate plans accompany the work, which is well worth keeping as an expert's account of one of the greatest worki of modern engineering.