IT was a happy thought to entrust to an eminent Shake. spearian scholar this edition de luxe of Charles and Ilaiy Lamb's Tales front Shakespeare. Dr. Furnivall's contribu- tions to the book are of considerable interest. He gives an order for the reading of the tales which will bring out the development of Shakespeare's thoughts about human nature and life,—the progress in the comedies from the surface humour of the Comedy of Errors to the "deep purpose and divine spirit of forgiveness" in The Tempest and Winter's Tale ; in the tragedies from the "mere boy-and-girl love" of Romeo and Juliet to the greatness of Hamlet and Macbeth (Pericles, we cannot but think, is something of an anti- climax) The editor has also added at the end of the second volume sketches of his own of the plays which for some reason or other, probably business consider& tions of space, Charles and his sister omitted. These are done in a simple, unpretending way, and add decidedly, we think, to the value of the book. Only we wish that Troilus and Cressida had been omitted; Titus Andronicus is banished as not suitable for the audience addressed, and the other drama, which, though not so horrible, is scarcely less repul- sive, might have been similarly treated, to the general gain rather than loss. Dr. Furnivall makes his unsurpassed Shakespearian lore of service to his readers in his general introduction to the second volume. He explains the causes which brought into existence the Quartos, genuine and spurious. As there was no copyright in those days, the company kept the words of the plays to themselves as long as possible. But the pirates were at work. They took down what they could, and they bought written "parts" from actors who happened to be open to corruption. Thus was produced a very imperfect version of the play, and this brought out in self-defence a genuine edition from the lawful proprietors. When a play was an immediate success a genuine Quarto was published at once, so as not to give the pirates a chance. From the plays we go on to the theatres in which they were acted, the descrip- tions being illustrated by a plan. After this we have a very brief and businesslike Life of Shakespeare, the cardinal facts being compressed into a little more than half a page. Finally we have about three pages into which Dr. Furnivall crowds a great amount of information about boys and girls in Shakespeare's time. We should have said that Vol. I. contains an account of the Lambs, written in the severely repressed style in which the editor manifestly believes. Almost the only thing that moves him to display feeling is the fact that Mary Lamb's name did not appear on the title. page of the early editions, though she did nearly two-thirds of the work. It may have been due to the publisher's belief that Charles Lamb's name would sell more copies than Mary's." "May have been" might have been changed ton stronger expres- sion. Charles in writing to friends gave the amplestrecognition of his sister's share in the work. It is possible, however, that it was Mary's own wish. She may well have been even anxious to efface herself. Her name so published might have attracted most unwelcome attention. Mary Lamb was supposed to be imprisoned as a homicidal lunatic, and it might have been thought indiscreet to publish her name. We must not omit a word of appreciation for the very attractive illustrations,— twenty plates, besides drawings in the text. The frontispiece of VoL II. is an admirable photograph of Dr. Farnivall, whom we venture to congratulate on the appearance of this very handsome edition of a popular classic.