2 NOVEMBER 1901, Page 51


The Works of William Shakespeare. (Constable and Co. Twenty volumes ; 2s. 6d net each volume ; per set, £2 10s.)—Messrs. Constable have provided an excellent form and shape for their twenty-volume edition of Shakespeare,—the only one of the three editions before us which has been issued complete. Paper and print are all that can be desired, and probably there are many people who would not agree with the present writer that Shake- speare is none the better for coloured illustrations, however artistic some of these may be. The plan of the edition is the printing of two plays in each volume, and a glossary is placed at the end of each play. These handsome, readable, and yet easily handled volumes will make an excellent Christmas present, and the coloured frontispiece, whether in or out of place, in fact will always give a special and original character to the edition.