Here, then, we are arriving at a truer picture of
French aims. But we might not have realized how extensive and how remarkable they are had it not been for the article in the Figaro of last Saturday. This article, 'which is one of a series which have begun to appear above the signature of three stars, is attributed to all sorts of sources, all of them important and authoritative, and even to the most authoritative of all. It is a laeliberate and reasoned attack on the Entente, as a useless diplomatic instrument no longer founded on the common interests of the two nations. While not specially unfriendly to the British nation, it attacks the present and late Governments very bitterly as "selfish British traders." France must seek new alliances in order to carry on her policy clearly and resolutely. But what policy ? It is not, we know, the collection of debt ; it is not the demilitarization of the Rhineland. Thus gradually the idea of a new French Empire is being born.