Catholicism And Roman Catholicism. By Bishop Gore. (a. R....
Is. net.) Bishop Gore's attitude towards Anglicanism is one—to put it mildly—of detachment. Its history fills him "with profound humiliation " ; he finds its continuous......
The First Forty Years. 1881-1920. With A Foreword By The
Bishop of London. (S.P.C.K. 5s. net.) A history of the Church of England Waifs and Strays Society in the form of yearly reports. Mountains of statistics weigh down the text and......
After Life In Roman Paganism. By Franz Cumont. (h. Milford.
15s. net.) When the Catholic missionaries Hue and Gabet visited Tibet in 1844, they were startled to find how close was the parallel between the religious conceptions of Lhassa......
Conversion, Catholicism And The English Church. By The...
Bloemfontein. (A. R. Mowbray. 2s. net.) Father Tyrrell used to illustrate the right order of our religious beliefs by the figure of a triangle, the base of which was Theism, the......
Roads And Their Users.
ECONOMICAL RUNNING.—III. BY LORD MONTAGU OF BEAULIEU. T HE second great branch of economy that can be practised in driving is carefulness about tyres. It may seem impressive to......
Light Fiction.
PONGA BAY. By Sophie Ostmnd. (Hutchinson. 7s. 6d. net.) . The Maoris are one of the finest and roost intelligent of native races ; they approached most nearly to the idealized "......
Erratum. —we Regret That The Publishers Of Miss Cynthia...
which we reviewed on March 24th, were given in error as Messrs. Hutchinson. Ponjola is published by Messrs. Constable and Co.......