" Yet If His Majesty, Our Sovereign Lord."
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] should like to believe with Mr. J. St. Loe Strachey that most of your readers know by heart the beautiful poem beginning, "Yet if his majesty,......
The Bra.han Seer Legend.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Snt, — The recent lamented death of Lord Seaforth, at Brahan Castle, Ross-shire, has given to sensation-mongering newspapers the opportunity of......
THE ROAD. Our beyond Aldgate is a road, And a broad, Clean, noble thing it runs, For the sun's And wind's and man's delight, And the high stars at night. There go Jewesses And......
The Late Major Il Hesketh Pricha_rd.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] have been entrusted with the task of writing a memoir of the late Major H. Hesketh Prichard, D.S.O., M.C. ; and I should be grateful for the......
Central Bureau For The Employment Of Women.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—We shall be most grateful if you will let us inform the public that we have moved to 54 Russell Square. With a correspondence amounting to......
1fotice. — When "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......