A Useful Little Handbook Of Scientific And Aesthetic...
colour, primarily addressed to the teacher of infant schools, but containing a great deal that is not general knowledge.......
The Work Of The Royal Engineers In The European War,
1914-1919. Military Mining. Published by the Secretary, Institution of Royal Engineers, Chatham. (Chatham : W. and J. Mackay. 12s. 6d. net.) The monographs on R.E. work in the......
Contains Enough Information About The Country, Ancient...
satisfy a voracious appetite, but it is not well arranged. Over one hundred illustrations, taken from photographs, have been admirably chosen, those of the colossal ruins being......
A Summer In Greenland. By A. C. Seward. (cambridge...
Press. 7s. net.) Professor Seward obtained nearly a thousand fossil plants from the Greenland rocks for Cambridge and the British Museum besides lichens, mosses, liverworts,......
Military Records.
Historical Record of the Buffs, 1914-1919. By Colonel R. S. H. Moody, C.B. (Medici Society. 7s. 6d. net.) Colonel Moody has written an admirable record of the work done by his......
The Arts.
Places. By Paul Nash. (Wm. Heinemann. 10s. 6d. net.) The interest in book production is rapidly spreading from the rare specialist to the publisher and through• him to the......
Hloltke's Military Correspondence, 1870-71. First Section.
Professor Wilkinson has done a service to English military students by translating the Prussian General Staff's edition of Moltke's correspondence relating to the......
In This Readable And Instructive Little Book Sir Percival...
reprints the series of articles which he wrote for the Daily Mail as a result of his mission on its behalf to Mesopo- tamia last summer. He devotes himself mainly to giving......
Mrs. Challaeombe Has Gathered From The Older Inhabitants...
their reminiscences of the village as it was in the middle of the last century, when many quaint old village customs still survived. This information she has set in order and......
Unimpeachable And Thoroughly Up To Date As A Guide Book,
Mr. Aspinall's solid little volume will repay the most casual browsing. It has the detail of a Baedeker, and is sometimes as interesting as a good travel book. From .much buried......
Travel And Topography.
Bath. By Constance Spender and Edith Thompson. (William Clowes and Sons. 4s. net.) This book, as one of "The Story of the English Towns" series, follows the history of Bath from......