hloltke's Military Correspondence, 1870-71. First Section.
Professor Wilkinson has done a service to English military students by translating the Prussian General Staff's edition of Moltke's correspondence relating to the Franco-Prussian war up to the battle of Sedan. The earlier papers of 1858-70, dealing with the preparation for the conflict and laying down the general plan, are condensed ; the later papers are given more fully. It is instructive to notice how slow Moltke was to credit the rumours, and even the assertions of the Paris newspapers, that MacMahon was advancing with a large army to the relief of Bazaine in Metz. The denseness of the fog of war is underrated by nearly all civilians, and indeed by most military historians. Eight days before Sedan, Moltke Was not quite sure that the main French army was moving against him, although it was only a few miles away from his advanced guards.