Contains Enough Information About The Country, Ancient...
satisfy a voracious appetite, but it is not well arranged. Over one hundred illustrations, taken from photographs, have been admirably chosen, those of the colossal ruins being......
Elements In Thought And Emotion. By George B. Campion....
of London Press, Ltd. 7s. 6d. net.) Mr. George B. Campion, the author of Elements in Thought and Emotion, is rather like the man who set out for a walk to nowhere in particular,......
Is The Bible True ? By Rev. Richard Free. (robert
Scott. 2s.) These three outspoken sermons, addressed to a Branch of the Church of England Men's Society, are a model of what the Scriptural teaching in our churches and schools......
Philosophy And Religion.
The author of An Introduction to the Psychology of Religion is to be congratulated on having written a work of value on a vast subject within the small compass of 282 pages. The......
This Well-written And Admirably Illustrated Book Is...
the Western, and especially the American, public what Japanese enterprise has accomplished since 1905 in Manchuria. The trade returns and the photographs of stately buildings in......