The Prospects Of The Budget Become Rather Brighter In The
last days of the financial year. Up to date, there is a surplus of about 1180,000,000 as compared with a( anticipated surplus of just under 21,000,000. The surplus, • it is......
The Strike Of Norfolk Farm Hands Reminds Us Of "the
other England." We are too apt to think only of our towns and the fortunes of their factories, to forget that agriculture is still the greatest single industry that we have. But......
But On Friday The 23rd The Men's Leaders Had Held
a meeting in the Keir Hardie Memorial Hall, and had in that less mellow atmosphere refused to state what decision they had arrived at. Last Saturday morning their secretary......
In The House Of Lords On Tuesday, Lord Islington Opened
a discussion on Palestine describing the bitter discontent of the Arabs and asking for papers. We notice with much satisfaction that Lord Grey of Fallodon seems to be very far......
That There Is Need For Liberal Reunion Is Agreed By
all parties. But at present the fact does not seem to come any nearer. A deputation of five members of the two wings of Liberalism visited both Mr. Asquith and Mr. Lloyd George......
Another Cause For Irritation And Misunderstanding Between...
America has just been removed. In a letter to the Secretary of the Interior, Mr. Hughes has announced officially that an alleged proclamation signed by Queen Victoria and Lord......
The Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal Of Soviet Russia Has...
Roman Catholic Archbishop Ciepliak and Mgr. Butkevitch to death. Hitherto, the Soviet has not interfered much with the Roman Catholic hierarchy in Russia, but the present move......
It Is Hard To Find Fault With Mr. Asquith's Attitude.
His optimism with regard to the future of Liberalism may be excessive, but he cannot lose sight of the fact that his views have not changed since 1915, whilst Mr. Lloyd George......