That there is need for Liberal reunion is agreed by
all parties. But at present the fact does not seem to come any nearer. A deputation of five members of the two wings of Liberalism visited both Mr. Asquith and Mr. Lloyd George in order to explain to them their plan for a committee, consisting of Mr. Asquith, Mr. Lloyd George, Sir John Simon and Sir Alfred Mond, which should discuss the party's procedure. Mr. Asquith presided at his party meeting the same evening, but did not hold out much hope. He doubted whether there was anything for him and Mr. Lloyd George to talk about. The general tone of his speech was that the Independent Liberals were getting on very nicely as it was, and that any kind of compromise would do nothing but harm. The resolution was passed that joint action in the division lobbies must be a condition• precedent to any steps towards reunion.