[To the Editor. of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—A novel series of eight lectures and counter-lectures on a variety of topical subjects is being arranged for April and May in aid of the hospitals of London. The first of the series will take place on Tuesday, April 10th, at 5.30, when Mr. H. G. Wells and Mr. E. B. Osborn, literary editor of the Morning Post, will be the lecturer and counter-lecturer respect- ively, the Right Hon. II. A. L. Fisher being in the chair. The controversy on this occasion will range round the question whether history should be written from a national or from an international point of view.
Other lectures which have already been definitely arranged arc :—
Chairman. Lecturers.
Drama and the Com- mercial Stage .. Miss Clcmcnce Dane Mr. St. John Ervinc.
Mr. C. B. Cochrane.
Is Modern Journalism worth the Price We Pay for it ? .. Lord Burnham .. Rt.
McCurdy,K.C.,M.P. Mr. G. K. Chesterton Poetry and Modern Poetry .. Mr. Edmund Gosse Mr. Alfred Noyes.
Miss Edith Sitwell.
The subjects of these lectures and the names of the lecturers should guarantee an entertainment of a piquant character, and the promises already received for the four remaining lectures indicate that there will be no falling-off in the pro- gramme. The lecturers will definitely include Miss Rebecca West (Is there any Alternative to the Sex Novel ?) and Mr. Philip Guedalla (Biograpthers and their Victims), while.con- ditional promises to act as chairmen have been received from two of the most distinguished ex-Cabinet Ministers living. A complete programme will shortly be available.
The Governing Body of the London School of Economics have generously placed their large hall at the disposal of the organizers and tickets for single lectures, or for the series, may be obtained either from the Secretary, London School of
Economics, Houghton Street, Aldwych, W.C., or from the Secretary, Lectures Committee, 19 Berkeley Street, W. 1. The price of tickets will be 7s. 6d., 5s. and 2s. 6d., or for the series 2i guineas, 11 15s. or 17s. 6d. A limited number of platform tickets will be available at 11 is. each.—I am, Sir, Secretary, Lord Barnham's Committee.