The Northern Whig in a leading article on Tuesday, June
29th, gives some interesting figures in regard to recruit- ing in Ireland. In the last ten months, it tells us, Ulster has given forty-five thousand recruits to the Army and the three Nationalist provinces twenty-four thousand. The city of Belfast alone, despite the fact that it has got over twenty thousand men engaged in the shipyards on Government work and thousands of others in the textile trade engaged on Government orders, has given more recruits than the whole of Nationalist Ireland. The Northern Whig meets the sug- gestion about the large number of old men to be found in the South of Ireland by declaring that, if you take the men of military age solely, one in four have enlisted in Ulster, while only one in seventeen Have enlisted in the three Nationalist provinces. It goes on to point out that if we omit the Nationalist counties in Ulster, where recruiting has been very poor, it will be seen how magnificent has been the Unionist response to the call for men. Of Nationalist Members of Par- liament, we are told, only three are serving in the Army, whereas half the Unionist Irish M.P.'s for Ulster are serving.