The German Answer To The American Note Still Remains...
Meanwhile the Washington correspondent of the Daily News says that Germany is planning a special submarine campaign. A statement, he tells us, is made in semi-official circles......
The Belief In The Military Invincibility Of Germany Men-...
above has unfortunately during the last few weeks been greatly increased by our bogy-mongers here. Small States are naturally timid, and it is asking almost too much of human......
We Have Suggested One Or Two Amendments In The Bill
elsewhere, but may note here that it would save a certain amount of trouble to individuals and officials if the mobilized women members of Voluntary Aid Detachments were told......
We Have Written Elsewhere Of The Bill, Introduced By Mr.
Long in the Commons on Tuesday, for making a National Register. Here we need only mention the main principles of the measure. Its purpose is to register all persons, both male......
Mr. Snowden In A Rasping Speech Asserted That The Repre-
sentatives of Labour did not speak for the rank-and-file. He was informed that at the recent Conference one-third of the delegates voted against the proposals in the Ministry of......
The Well-informed Correspondent Of The Times In The...
sent to Wednesday's paper an interesting article on the conflicting emotions of the Balkan States. He is convinced that popular feeling in Roumania, Bulgaria, and Greece is......
News Was Received On Thursday Afternoon Of The Sinking Of
the Leyland liner ' Armenian' by a German submarine. The vessel was bound from America to an English port, and encountered the submarine on Monday night when fifty-four miles......
Mr. Hobhouse Denied That The. Situation Was "desperate,"...
Houston had said. When the Cabinet resigned the supply of ammunition to the Army in the field bad increased by over two hundred per cent. since last August, and this without......
On Monday The House Of Commons Again Discussed The Ministry
of Munitions Bill. The debate was notable for the flue spirit in which the Labour Members as a whole pro- mised their support in producing ample munitions. Nothing could have......
Sir John Simon Replied For The Government. The Employ- Ment
of a considerable number of women, where hitherto their work had been prevented by Trade Union regulations, was contemplated, and if a woman did as good a day's work as a man......