Christianity And The War.
[To THZ EDITO6 or Tag " Srurwron."1 Stn,—The letters you receive are incontestable testimony to the widespread distress experienced by Christian men in the painful and difficult......
" De-alcoholization. "
[TO Thr EDITOS OF TUB ' 1 SPXCTATOne .. ] SIR,—De-alcoholization is a subject which surely calls lot much more than a passing reference. If practicable and widely adopted, it......
Mr. Oliver On Compulsion.
[To THE EDITOR Or THg " SFECTATOR."J Sru,—The letter which Mr. Le Bas writes to you had already appeared in a well-known Liberal daily, with an addition implying that Mr.......
Voluntary Workers In Hospitals. [to Mr Editor Of Tiz "
SPECTATOR."1 SIR, — The article in your issue of June 19th on " Territorial Hospitals at Home" will be appreciated by the members of Voluntary Aid Detachments who are working .......
Longs And Shorts.
[To rut EDITOR OF THZ "SPICTATOISt"] SIR,—Your article on "Longs and Shorts" (June 12th) seems to invite contributions to its collection. Under the heading of " Shorts " (of the......
"the Kiss Of The Sun For Pardon."
[TO VIZ EDITOR Or THE "SPrOTATOR. 1 SIR,—May I trespass on your valuable space to ask if any of your readers could tell me (a) the correct rendering of the following lines ; (b)......