The Library Of Louvain University.
[To TII• EDITOR or TER "SrsorAroa.") SIR,—Sir Alfred Hopkinson recently announced, through your columns, the generous action of the John Rylande Library at Manchester in......
Bread For Prisoners.
[To TAA EDITOR Or TUX "SrsorsTon.") SIR, — May we bring to your notice an admirable work which has been started here lately by our British Vice-Consul of Montreux—M. Marcel......
An Appeal.
[To THE Enron OF TIIE SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I venture to ask the hospitality of your columns to bring before the public the enclosed appeal, which even at this time, when the......
" De-alcoholization. "
[TO Thr EDITOS OF TUB ' 1 SPXCTATOne .. ] SIR,—De-alcoholization is a subject which surely calls lot much more than a passing reference. If practicable and widely adopted, it......