[to The Eittior Op The "spectator."' Sin,---my Late...
parson who died thirty years ago, when he was a young man once heard Robert Montgomery preach. I have heard him tell the story more than once, and he spoke of his own delight in......
[to The Editor. Or The 0 Erzcraron."] Sin,—when I Was
at Cambridge what was called "tile Daily Telegraph version of Uncle Ned" was popular, and I well am:ember one who is now an ornament of the Judicial Bench singing it with......
French Wounded Emergency Fund.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE ”SPECTATOR.") Sin,—In the name of the French Wounded Emergency Fund we must express our grateful thanks to you and to the readers of the Spectator for the......
The Maternal Instinct..
[To TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] BLE, — The systematic investigation of animal psychology has helped to throw a considerable light upon the mind of man, and the Spectator has......
Favourite Hours.
[To TER EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin, — Will you allow me to say, with reference to the letter in the Spectator of June 26th under the heading of " Favourite Hours," the......
Longs And Shorts.
[To rut EDITOR OF THZ "SPICTATOISt"] SIR,—Your article on "Longs and Shorts" (June 12th) seems to invite contributions to its collection. Under the heading of " Shorts " (of the......
Soldiers' Clubs.
[To TVs EDITOR or TER "NrEcTATon."] you allow us to draw the attention of your readers to a movement approved by Lord Kitchener and the Army Council, already initiated with......