During The Week The Russians Have Been Falling Back In
Poland and Galicia, and the Germans have been thrusting forward. The papers speak, indeed, of two million Germans invading Russia under Marshal von Mackensen. The Russian......
During The Week The Italians Have Been Consolidating...
in the Trentino and on the Isonzo, and have been able to deal successfully with all counter-attacks. It may be pre- sumed that by next week the German and Austrian reinforce-......
The Situation May Best Be Summed Up By Saying That
the Russians are likely to go on retreating, indifferent whether the retreat is, as now, on Russian soil or in Galicia, until they feel they have drawn the enemy on far enough......
News Of The Week.
F ROM the western theatre of war there is little to report. Fighting still continues north of Arras, but no great gain has been made. In other parts of the French line there has......
At The End Of His Despatch Sir Ian Hamilton States
that all engaged did well, but that the chief factor in the success " was the splendid attack carried out by the 29th Division, whose conduct on this as on previous occasions......
The Best News Which Has Been Received From The Gallipoli
Peninsula since the landing was issued by the Press Bureau on Wednesday evening and published in Thursday's papers. The communication, in effect, contains Sir Ian Hamilton's......
The Emperor Nicholas Has Issued A Manifesto To His People
appealing to them for unity and co-operation in the work of crushing the enemy. After expressing his firm faith in the inexhaustible strength of Russia, he calls for unanimity......
*** To Our Readers.—the " Spyctator " Is Now Published
on Friday afternoon, and is on sale at all Ilfessrs. Smith and Son's London Bookstalls and all London Newsagents. AU country readers can now obtain the paper on Saturday......