3 JULY 1915, Page 23


SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—The article in your issue of June 19th on " Territorial Hospitals at Home" will be appreciated by the members of Voluntary Aid Detachments who are working. in the large military hospitals, and who often stand in need of encourage- ment. May I plead through your columns for a more kindly and generous welcome on the part of the trained staff of such hospitals towards these voluntary workers P They recognize that their position is a subordinate one, and they behave accordingly ; but the common complaint is that they meet with but scant civility, and often gross discourtesy, from the trained and paid staff. I see no reason for their being made to feel like unwelcome intruders, for, as your correspondent "Z." justly observes, "without the help of these organiza- tions the difficulty in nursing the wounded would have been very great." Even military discipline can be observed without destroying the amenities of life.—I am, Sir, &c., F. S.