3 JULY 1915, Page 31
READABLE Novm.s.—The Charmed Life of Miss Austin.. By Samuel Merwin.
(Grant Richards. 6s.)—Miss Austin's , adventures in China were sometimes lurid, sometimes amusing. The book is delightfully illustrated by Mr. R. M. Crosby.-- The Consolation Bureau. By David Lyall. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—Here are pleasant little stories of how a woman of tact helped her fellow-creatures with astonishing success.—Plain Till. By Mary L. Pendered. (Chapman and Hall. 6s.)—Miss Pendered's conception of smart society is strange; we can best describe her tale as "pretty." Love-Birds in the Coco-Nuts. By Peter Blundell. (John Lane. 68.)—A kindly, vulgar farce concerning Eurasians in Malay.