4 AUGUST 1928, Page 12

The work is exactly suited to the hand of the

new, and as yet tentative, Community Councils. They already co-operate with the educational authorities and the physical instructors. If, in company with these, they would study the technique of creating the team spirit in elementary schools, and make the House system a definite part of the organization of the school they would have a sum of accomplishment to their credit, real, lasting, and of national value. It is all valuable enough work, arranging lectures for adults,- collecting infor- mation about health, encouraging the drama, music, and local industries ; but in order fully to justify itself an organiza- tion of this sort needs a central endeavour if it is not to dissipate its energies and waste them on overlapping aims. It is so very easy to foster sketchy ideals and feel proud about them. The list of failures among rural reconstructor is long and lamentable.