4 AUGUST 1928, page 3

On Tuesday The L.c.c. Decided To Support The Latest And,

as we believe, the best scheme for rebridging the Thames. The decision is subject to the Council's share of the cost being limited to one-third of the estimated total cost of......

A " Capitalist " Newspaper Is Always Open To Misunder-

standing when it praises for their wisdom wage-earners who have given way. It is told that the rule is, the greater the surrender the greater the praise. All we can say—to those......

On Tuesday It Was Announced That The Bishop Of Manchester,

Dr. William Temple, will become Archbishop of York when the present Archbishop of York is translated to Canterbury. Dr. Temple is the son of the former Archbishop of Canterbury.......

Mr. J. H. Thomas Was Quite Justified In Describing The

agreement between the railway companies and their employees as " a great settlement—a triumph for British common sense." The friendliness of the discussion over such a painful......

The Conference Recommends That All Imperial Communi-...

merged in one huge Corporation. In order to bring this about it will be necessary, of course, for the Post Office to give up its highly profitable beam service. A Communications......

On Tuesday In The House Of Commons The Minister Of

Pensions, Major Tryon, announced that the Government had decided to stabilize War pensions and treatment allowances at the 1919 rate. This means that there will be no change......

The Imperial Wireless And Cable Conference, Of Which Sir...

Gilmour and Mr. A. M. Samuel were the principal members, must be both praised and thanked for their wonderfully satisfactory Report on Imperial communica- tions. There ought no......

Bank Rate, 44 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.,

on April 21st, 1927. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 1024 ; on Wednesday week 102; a year ago 101i r . Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 894 ; on Wednesday......