4 AUGUST 1928, page 23

The Shepherdesses -are Rather Like Chorus-girls In Robin...

5s.), the play Mr. J. C. Squire has written in collaboration with Miss Joan R. Young. None the less it is a smooth and bright piece of artificial comedy ; and the touches of......

Dr. F. W. Norwood Of The City Temple Is Well

known as one of the most capable and persuasive advocates of peace among the nations, and his John Clifford Lecture, Disarma- ment : The Desire and Fear of Nations, should be......

Strange Fruit. By Phyllis Bottome. (collins. 7s....

her best is a brilliant impres- sionist with a darting insight into the obscurer stir of human motive. She is frequently at that best in these adroit and versatile short......

The Development Of International Finance In The Sixteenth...

to aid European potentates in carrying on wars, is a subject of great interest and importance. Dr. Richard Ehrenberg's Capital and Finance in the Age of the Renaissance......

It Is Well Known To Politicians, If Not To The

general public, that the advocates of a general tariff arc bestirring themselves in view of next year's elections. Hence we have Mr. J. M. Robertson producing a vigorous set of......

Far Enough. By Helen Ashton. (ernest Benn. 7s. 8d.)—janet...

is a refreshing kind of heroine. An inexperienced orphan from a Scots manse, gentle, diffident, awkward, with gold-edged glasses and a nurse's uniform, she comes to Jamaica to......


Sedatives and Stimulants Monsieur Faux-Pas. By Rosa and Dudley Lambert. (Wishart. 7s. 6d.) Wm' one or two notable exceptions the exponents of fiction, now that holiday August is......

More Books Of The Week

(Continued from page 165.) Old Bluecoat Boys, and others too, will be interested in the lively recollections of Christ's Hospital from a Boy's Point of View, 1864-1870, which......

Yet Another Torch Of Regimental Tradition Is Handed On By

the first volume of Captain Everard Wyrall's History of the King's (Liverpool) Regiment (Arnold, illustrated, 7s. 6d.). The volume deals principally with the doings of the First......

The Index To Volume 140 Of The " Spectator "

IS NOW AVAILABLE. As the issue is limited readers and libraries are asked to inform the SPECTATOR Office as soon as possible as to the number of copies of the Index they......