4 AUGUST 1928, Page 23

Dr. F. W. Norwood of the City Temple is well

known as one of the most capable and persuasive advocates of peace among the nations, and his John Clifford Lecture, Disarma- ment : The Desire and Fear of Nations, should be widely read (The Brotherhood Movement, 37 Norfolk Street, W.C.2, 6d.). Dr. Norwood is convinced that public opinion everywhere regards war as a calamity. He is somewhat disappointed with the League of Nations as a means of ensuring peace, and he doubts the wisdom of seeking for even partial disarmament just yet. Mr. Kellogg's proposed Treaty for the Outlawry of War seems to him the best way yet opened. It " offers us an open road. Let us go forward." We heartily agree with Dr. Norwood in this.

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