4 AUGUST 1928, page 1

Our Great Industries, Including Cotton, Wool, Coal,...

steel, cannot hope to recover except by the revival of overseas buying. British industry is plainly organized for a world market. The whole world is consequently interested in......

On Wednesday The Central Executive Of The Kuomintang, Or...

Party, met at Nanking, which, in accordance with the testament of Sun Yat-sen, is to be the future _capital of China. Not all the members of the Executive were present. The time......

We Are Bound To Admit, However, That Within The Past

few weeks the Kuomintang has been singularly unhelpful. As a prelude to the much desired revision of Treaties the Nanking rulers have been tearing up Treaties wholesale,......

News Of The Week

I N the revived controversy about Protection the dis- cussion is almost entirely confined to the probable effects in Great Britain, but even in these days of distress at home it......

The Memorial Points Out That, According To The Report Of

the International Economic Conference, the true way to cure industrial depression is to remove the barriers which now prevent freedom of exchange. The signatories of the......

Editorial And Ploillsiiing Offices : 13 York Street,...

London, W.0.2. —A Subscription. to the SPECTATOR costs. Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The......