4 AUGUST 1928, page 12

When The Day Arrived There Gathered In Thistly Meadow Many

representatives of all classes of the village community : parents, labourers, farmers, publicans, landowners, business men, " daily-breaders " of several sorts. A good many......

English Wheat.

There are many harvests : potatoes, sugar, roots, hops, wool, fruit, and even flowers. Milk has become within the last few years a more valuable product in the aggregate than......

* * * * Youth Comes First. " It Is

quite easy. We teach it in the elementary schools," said a Japanese who was asked for the secret of the ardent patriotism of his people. As things are in England, most children......

For The Most Part—the Tug-of-war, A Very Popular Event, Was

an exception—the girls and boys raced and jumped alternately, the girls competing in a skirtless kit. The climax was six relay races of fifty yards a lap for the nine-year-olds,......

The Final Aim—and Indeed Accomplishment—was The Creation...

spirit, with other virtues that accompany it, in a village school, as innocent of it as village schools usually are ; and the first outward expression of the new spirit was the......

Country Life

A VILLAGE EXAMPLE. Many agents, not least the Rural Community Councils, whose annual meeting was held last week at Oxford, are endeavouring to " build Jerusalem in England's......

Now All This May Seem A Most Petty And Most

parochial matter. What right has a single village to demand attention to its miserable sports, where small girls in knickers cleared a bar at some three feet six inches from the......

A Rare Harvest.

The whole of the English countryside is basking in the expectation of the rare and refreshing fruit of a great harvest. Seldom have we seen crops so uniform. The oats have grown......

The Work Is Exactly Suited To The Hand Of The

new, and as yet tentative, Community Councils. They already co-operate with the educational authorities and the physical instructors. If, in company with these, they would study......