4 AUGUST 1928, page 2

We Are Bound To Admit, However, That Within The Past

few weeks the Kuomintang has been singularly unhelpful. As a prelude to the much desired revision of Treaties the Nanking rulers have been tearing up Treaties wholesale,......

-british Policy In China Has Been Expounded In Plain Terms

again and again by Sir Austen Chamberlain, and on Monday, in the House of Commons, he stated that it is unchanged. Great Britain led the way at Peking in 1926 in promising China......

All The Same, The Formal Ignoring Of The Washington Treaty,

to which the United States was, of course, a partner, is a very serious matter. We wish that the State Department had considered more carefully in what light its action must......

The Sense Of The Announcement By The French Foreign Office

is that a control of armament is accepted by France in place of a limitation of tonnage by classes. It is suggested by some newspapers, but has not been confirmed, that Great......

Another Point To Be Considered Is The Possible Reaction Upon

the United States. The refusal of the United States to consider the control of ships by individual definition as well as by a total tonnage for a whole class brought about the......

Meanwhile, The United States Has Taken The Lead In...

the Nationalist Government and even in the work of Treaty revision. Mr. Kellogg has promised the Nanking Government tariff autonomy and at the same time has acquired for the......

A Note Of Comedy Has Been Introduced Into This Per-

plexing matter by communications between Mr. C. T. Wang and Mr. MacMurray, the American Minister at Peking. Mr. Wang, in expressing the thanks of the Kuomintang to the United......

It Is Well Known That The Deadlock At Geneva Was

caused chiefly by the French contention that each nation should be allowed a total naval tonnage which it might use up as it pleased.. For instanee, a weak naval Power would be......

In The House Of Commons On Monday Sir Austen Cham-

. _ berlain unexpectedly announced that the Anglo-French conversations on disarmament in London had come to a successful conclusion. He would not describe the nature of the......