4 AUGUST 1928, Page 22

General Knowledge Questions

Ova weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Lord Meath, Chaworth House, Ottershaw, Chertsey, for the following :-

1. Who said, and in what year, " One is forced to ask every morning what new victory there is for fear of missing one " ?

2. How did France obtain Corsioa, and when ?

3. What do you know about the Battle of Baltimore in America ? 4. What is the origin of the term " barrel " when speaking of ?

a gun

5. Who called Italy a " Woman Country " ?

6. What is the Novum Organom ? 7. Who founded the Foundling Hospital ? Give date.

S. What is the origin of the term, " Jingo Party " ?

0. When and under whom was Constantinople captured by the Turks ?

10. Who was the King of England who abolished torture ? /1, " Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note, As his corse to

the rampart we hurried." Who wrote the above ? Relate the

event alluded to, giving the date and place of action.

12. What is the meaning of the term, " transubstantiation " ?

• 13. Who built the present United Services Museum in Whitehall, and who was beheaded just in front of it ?

Answers will be found on page 174.