Hound and Horn in Jedforest. By T. Scott Anderson. Illustra-
tions by G. Denholm Armour. (T. S. Small, Jedburgh. 6s. net.)- There is so little well-written hunting literature in these days that one may recommend a small volume which records the experiences of a Scottish master of foxhounds. It describes, often in felicitous language, hunting days in the rough borderland where stout hill foxes turn their noses to the hills and give great runs Wore they are caught. Description of chases, portraits of sportsmen, and much horse-and-hound talk are threaded on a slender love-story. The chapters are too unconnected for a novel, but the result is a small volume about hunting which will be read with amusement by those whose tastes incline in that direction. We hope that Mr. Anderson will give us some more of his hunting experiences. Mr. G. D. Armour's hunting pictures need no recommendation. They are always lifelike and cleverly drawn.