Little Sister Snow. By The Author Of "the Lady Of
the Decoration." (Hodder and Stoughton. 5s.)—This is a charming story of modern Japan. It begins with the Festival of Dolls in the home of Yuki Chan, a delightful little girl.......
Art In Great Britain And Ireland. By Sir Walter Armstrong.
(W. Heinemann. Os. net.)—This little book covers a very great field, and is of necessity brief in statement and dogmatic in judgment. This is inevitable in a handbook which......
Norman Architecture In Cornwall. By K H. Sodding. (ward And
Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—This is an excellent book, well written, being neither too technical nor too popular. By its aid we can admire the energy of those marvellous Norman builders......
Nzw Editions.-a. Book Of Golden Deeds. By Charlotte M....
(T. Nelson and Sons. 6s. net.)—This is a handsome volume, with spacious margins, plentiful illustrations, and a general " get-up " befitting its subject,—the heroism of all ages......
Christmas Cards, Calendar, And Literature For The...
for the blind continues to be provided by the editors of the Braille Weekly Sununary, Eltham, Kent. We notice that a squirrel adorns one of their new embossed Christmas cards.......
Hogarth, The Great English Masters, And Fritz Boehle Form...
separate paper-bound numbers of " The International Art Series " (T. Fisher 17nwin, 5s. net each). The quarto size of the work enables the reproductions to be on a......
Douris And The Painters Of Greek Vases. By Edmond Pottier.
Translated by Bettina, Kalinweiler. (John Murray. 7s. 6d. net.)— The destroying hand of time, which falls heavily on fragile pottery, has spared twenty-eight vases and fragments......
Principles Of Education Woodwork. By C. L. Binns And 11.
E. Marsden.: (J. M. Dent and' Sons. 6s. net.)—To review this work adequately would require a dissertation on the psychology of child- hood, and a summary of the most modern......
Current Literature.
ART-BOOKS. Greek Architecture. By Allan Marquand. (Macmillan and Co. 10s. net.)—From such a book as this many will learn with surprise how much is known about the details of......
Three Girls In Mexico. By Bessie Merchant. (blackie And...
3s. 6d.)—The scene is unfamiliar, and, pictured as it is with no little skill, is interesting in no common degree. Then there is a secret of making some costly perfume out of......
Old English Stories. By F. J. Harvey Darton. (wells Gardner,
Darton, and Co. 1s. net.)—Here we have four stories from the Arthurian cycle, as " Sir Gawain and the Knight" and others from elsewhere.—The same publishers also send us Robin......
Greek Architecture. By Edith A. Browne. (a. And C. Black.
3s. 6d. net.)—This book is much less detailed and technical than the preceding one. After a general survey, we are given a series of photographs of famous Greek ruins, with a......