Going Down From Jerusalem. By Norman Duncan. (harper And...
6s.)—The travellers "went down from Jerusalem," not to Jericho, as one might expect—whatever the direction, it is always a going down—but to Hebron, and thence to El Arish, and......
The Book Of Friendship. Arranged By Arthur Ransome. (t. C.
and E. C. Jack. 6s. net.)—It has been said, and there is a certain force in the contention, that friendship is a lost possession of man- kind. It has been driven out by the rise......
Readable Nova Ls.—the Agony Column. By C. G. Dawson...
and Hall. 6s.)—This clever story of a wife who is supposed to be an idealist makes rather dreary reading, and the author is content to leave her heroine in a hopeless......
Weather Forecasting. By Francis S. Granger. (h. B....
2s. 6d. net.)—We may allow that Mr. Granger has done useful work by accumulating and arranging the observations made during a considerable period of time. The 'wise man said:......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Undor this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other 'arms.] Egypt of Yesterday and To-day. By Percy Withers. (Grant Richards. 6s.......
The Minister And His Work. By William Henderson Harrowes,...
(Andrew Melrose. 3s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Harrowes is a minister of the Scottish Free Church. This fact will be found to affect in some particulars the application of his counsels. The......
Which Shows Him To Be Remote From The Traditional...
He accepts the theory of various documents, J, E', E, Sc.,: which have been edited and combined. He doubts whether this or that detail is historical. In fact, ho assumes the......
The Florentine Frame. By Elizabeth Robins. (john Murray....
in which a mother and daughter are in love with the same mau is never very attractive, and it needs consummate tact in the handling. Miss Robins takes this for the theme of her......